As Hurricane Gustav gains strength and gets closer to the Gulf Coast, Bart and I have done just about all we can do to prepare. I can't believe its already a category 4! Safe travels to all my friends and family who are evacuating, and I'll be praying for all you who have decided to ride out the storm. One good thing out of all this is that I get to see Jenny and meet Briggs tomorrow as they have evacuated to Houston! Woohoo!
We decided when we're trying to get Ella to sleep tonight, we will put the TV on volume 200! The more noise apparently, the better.
One last congrats to my friend Melissa's sister Mossy on her new baby girl, Katelyn Teresa. She was born this afternoon via c-section at 6 lbs 6 ozs. Congrats to the Bales family!
Mama Gelle
Ella's 1st party experience looks like fun!!! And soo many more to come! :)
~ Lacie
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