Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ella's Firsts

Happy Two Weeks Old, little Ella!!

Well, Mammy left to go home yesterday morning. It was a sad goodbye of course, but we took comfort in knowing we'd be seeing her again in two and a half weeks for the baptism. After she left (and we finished all our crying), I did pretty good for my first time alone with her. She was an angel, as always.

Last night, Daddy and I took her on her first grocery store trip to HEB. She slept the ENTIRE time, and it was so funny to park in the "customer with child" parking spot. Ha ha.

When we got back, Ella had her first real bath! Now that the umbilical cord is off, we were able to break out the bathtub and get wet!! She loved being in the water - not so much the hair washing. Hee hee. But she slept like a BABY (ha!) afterwards, which was great.

Tomorrow we both have doctor's appointments - I'm curious to see how much the little piglet has gained since she's an eating machine now. Curious to see what my doctor has to say too. Daddy will be busy chauffering us around!

Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

"Customer with child" sounds like the best spot ever! How awesome and child friendly!

The grocery trip looks fun, but not as fun as BATH TIME!!!

~ Lacie

Avery's Mom said...

Hey Angelle...this post brought back so many memories for me..We were living in North LA when Avery was born and my mom came stay with us 2 weeks after Avery was born...and when she left..WE both BAWLED like's great to know that even when we are grown,and have babies of our own that we still need our Mommies! It was such a comfort having an 'experienced' mom there to help out!

Little Ella is just adorable! I love reading your blog, you do such a good job writing it and posting pics!!!

Good luck at the Dr's tomorrow!