Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ella and Briggs' First Playdate!

First off, I want all my family and friends in Louisana to know we are thinking about them. I know things are pretty uncomfortable out there. Sweating through the power outage cannot be fun in any way, and I know its not going to be any more fun to clean up all the broken tree limbs and debris. I hope you all get power soon!!!

Meanwhile in Houston, Ella met Briggs for the first time!! Yes Jenny, Brock, and little baby Briggs evacuated to Houston this week, as well as Jenny's aunt Claire, sister Missy and Missy's son Brodie. So, today some of them came to our house for a visit so Ella and I could finally meet this little man, Briggs. Needless to say, he is ADORABLE!! And him and Ella got along just like peas and carrots (ok, so they both slept most of the time...) But it was so much fun to see the proud mommy and daddy, and I could've eaten Briggs up, he was so cute.

After a mid-afternoon lunch date at Chuy's Mexican Restaurant, the Anderson's headed back to their cousin's house, but we had such a great visit, and I hope we can get together one more time before they head back to Cajun Country.

Mama Gelle


Elizabeth said...

oh, i can't wait to meet her!!

Anonymous said...

That's great that Ella and Briggs got to hang out! And you and Jenny, too. Hope all is well with you and the family.


~Michelle said...

Ella and Briggs sitting in a tree... So Cute!

LOVE the song =)

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww..........how cute! 2 adorable babies! Glad y'all all got to hang out and have some CCHHHHEEEEEWWWWWEYS! :)

~ Lacie