Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Final Thoughts...

Well, today's the big day!

I am sooo ready to meet you! I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep last night, but I did - and I dreamt of you!! Today, I am just tying up a few loose ends, about to take a shower, and then we are ready to roll. I am no longer nervous...just excited!! I mean, we're gonna be parents in a mere seven hours!! How crazy is that?

I cannot wait to see your little face and hold you in my arms.

Thanks to EVERYONE who has been so giving with great advice, checking in on the blog everyday, and offering well wishes. I love you all, and I cannot wait for you to meet baby farrell as well. I think I have someone who's going to update the blog for me as SOON as we have some news, so check back tonight if you don't hear anything via cell phone!

Next time I post, I will be a MOTHER!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!

Momma Angelle


~Michelle said...

Gelle, You are going to be a wonderful mom! If you are as good a mother as you are friend, then you will be the best! I am so excited to hear all about the baby. It will be so weird not to call him or her Baby Farrell any more. I will be thinking of you at 5:30 and I will be checking the blog and I will tape my cell phone to my hand so I can get the news right away! Best wishes!

Love, Chelle

Anonymous said...

Well Baby Farrell... this is the last time I will be using this name. I'm still not sure WHAT name I'll be using even after you're born b/c there is STILL no definite name for either gender that I know of!! But I don't care which name they give you nor do I care which gender you are....all that is important is that you are born healthy with all your parts there and in working order!! I love you and feel I've known you forever. Can't wait to see you... Love... Mammy

Anonymous said...

By now you are here!!! I can't wait to hear all about you. This is a great opportunity to come down to La.!
Your yankee cousin,

Anonymous said...

It's a GIRL!
Details forthcoming!!

~ Lacie

Anonymous said...

It's a girl!!! 8 lbs. 8 oz. 19 1/2 in. long! Can you believe...Mammy and Pawpaw have 9...that's right NINE granddaughters!!!!
Congratulations Angelle and Bart!!!!
Welcome Baby Girl Farrell...I can't wait to see and kiss you!