Sunday, August 10, 2008

Umm....eight - TEN - oh - eight! This isn't working....

Ahhh, another day down the drain and you are still not here. I am starting to wonder if you really want to meet your daddy and I. This morning, Mammy, daddy and I went to church. After lunch, we walked in Walmart for like an hour, going up and down all the aisles. I have given up on the whole "walking" theory to induce labor. In fact, I am living proof that ALL the theories are a CROCK!!

The only one I haven't tried yet is castor oil, but if I go to that doctor tomorrow and he tells me that I still have plump cervix and am not dialated, we will be stopping at the CVS on the way home!!

What do we do all day?? We literally sit around and WAIT for something to happen. Mammy does her counter cross stitch. Daddy stays busy fixing things around the house and catching up on work. And me? I just sit and stare into space in total disbelief that I have been pregnant for 40 weeks and 2 days now.

Your mammy keeps telling all her anxious callers that she's starting to believe that I may possibly not be pregnant at all. That I am just fat!! Tomorrow will make one week that she's been here waiting on your arrival.

Tomorrow morning is my "weekly" doctor's visit. He promised me last week that we WILL have a baby this week, so I am very eager to hear what he has to say. I will be sure to post on the blog as soon as we get back from the appointment, that is IF we come back to the house after the appointment. I'm pretty sure we won't be going straight to the hospital, but you just never know. Ughhhhh!!!

Until then, I'll just peruse through your nursery and dream about when you get here.

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

I love the update! Good job! Can't wait for the text message about bebe on the way! :)

~ Lacie

Anonymous said...


~Michelle said...

I dont know who Linda is, but she has been telling you to jump on the bed for weeks. Hey - it cant hurt and it sure is fun =) I hope you have good news at the doctor. Please call or text with the news!

I love you! Love, Chelle

Avery's Mom said...

Can't wait till baby makes it's debut...because the suspense is killing me!

Hang in there, honey! You are still the most beautiful preggo woman I've seen!!! COME ON BABY FARRELL!!!