Monday, August 11, 2008

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel!

Went to the doctor this morning, and I have a scheduled c-section for this Wednesday, August 13th at 5:30pm. The wait will finally be over!!

We listened to your heartbeat first, and it was literally right under my boob. This means you have hardly dropped at ALL. Then, he did an exam - my cervix was STILL not thinned, and I STILL had not dialated at all. I thought I was going to fall off of the examination table when he told me this. I mean, do you want to come out at all?? Crazy!

So, then we did an ultrasound to see how big you've gotten. I had only gained a pound, but apparently it was all you because after taking measurements, he calculated you are about a 9 lb baby, give or take a half pound. WHAT!?! I thought last week he said you weren't overly large?? Regardless, he gave me my options.

He said we could induce this week, but with my not being dialated, it would again be a loong labor to endure. Then with you being so large, delivering vaginally could hurt your shoulders or nerve endings to your arms, not to mention a large episiotomy (to which I start motioning scissors across my belly - CUT IT OUT!!) As much as I am disappointed to not deliver vaginally, I certainly don't want to harm you!!

I have to do bloodwork tomorrow, and the best time they could take me was Wednesday, Aug 13th at 5:30 - so, it IS great to know that you will soon be here (for real this time!!) I'm a little nervous about surgery because I have never been in the hospital, but I know women do it everyday - I know I will be fine.

So, that's the update! It's sooo good to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel!! Now, I have to go figure out what I am going to do with 25 newborn onesies and 200 newborn diapers. HA HA HA....

Love, Mom


Michelle and Jason said...

YAY! A light at the end of the tunnel! Good news . . . I know you're disappointed about having a c-section, but I'd be just like you at this point. Forty weeks, plus . . . just get that baby on out healthy and happy!! We're excited for you guys, and I can't wait to hear more!! Michelle (from AL)

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Wednesday will be here before you know it - and that means bebe Farrell will be here tooooooo!!! Can't wait!!! :)

~ Lacie

~Michelle said...

Yay! I am so happy to hear that Baby Farrell will be here soon!!! Hang in there Gelle - just a few more days!

August 13th - what a great b-day little baby Farrell (almost like Aunt Chelle's b-day Oct 13th). That means that sometimes your b-day will be on a Friday 13th. But dont worry...its always be a great day for me!!!

Avery's Mom said...

Angelle, I had to have a c-section too and I promise, it's not a bad recovery at all. After 20+ hours of labor, I didn't dialate past 2 centimeters but my water had broken so Avery had to come out..and I was exhausted at that point.

Good luck on Wednesday...Everything will be fine
I can't wait to see the pics of Baby!!! I'll be thinking of you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

Being born on the 13th has been good for your cousin Keith. December 13, close to your birthday. I bet you were close to taking that castor oil... good thing you waited til after your appointment!!!
Just think, more pampering time after Baby is born! Did I hear a bell?

Jenny said...

I'm so glad to hear there is a light... finally!! I've been following all weekend, waiting to see some type of post saying Baby Farrell is here. Enjoy these last days being pregnant. Good luck and take care!
Jenny Poche

Anonymous said...

i had a c-section and it was easy. the recovery wasnt bad in the least. you will be fine. i promise.

Anonymous said...

Not dilated, bad bad cervix, C-section and a ten-pound baby...where have I heard that before? You're following in my footsteps. You know what that means??? That is sooo a mama's boy that you have to go and get him out! Enjoy the ride and start sleeping now if you haven't already! Love, Penne, Greg & Mama's Boy Jacob