Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's a GIRL!!! Ella Pearl Farrell!

Introducing Ella Pearl Farrell!

Congratulations to Angelle and Bart on the arrival of their baby girl, Ella Pearl!

**UPDATE** 8 pounds 8 ounces; 19 3/4 inches long
Ella Pearl Farrell.....Mommy is awake and feeling great.....Daddy is ecstatic!

Mommy and Daddy awaiting your arrival today, Wednesday, August 13, 2008!

Here's a happy Mommy Angelle when she arrived at the hospital today!

Additional details still to come.........continuous news feeds.....stay tuned! :)



Anonymous said...

YAY! Can't wait to find out the name and measurements! WOOHOO! Congrats to Angelle and Bart.

Anonymous said...

That 1st comment was from me, Mellie. I got too excited and hit send too quickly!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't imagine how Angelle and Bart felt all day, because I felt like it was the longest day of my life waiting to hear the news!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you both and can't wait to hear the details of sweet baby girl Farrell!!


Jenny said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read all the details!

Jenny P.

justcurious said...

Congrats!! Another this has been the longest pregnancy ever! Hope all is well!

justcurious said...

congrats angelle and bart!! Its about time!!

Michelle and Jason said...

YAY! I was right - on both polls!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I know this little girl is very lucky to have such wonderful parents! Much love, Michelle and Jason (and Kathleen and Ian)!

And, yes, I can't wait to hear more about the journey parenthood takes you on. It is magnificent!!

Anonymous said...

A sweet baby girl! Congratulations!
Danielle Pearson

Andrea's Mom said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for yall. She is absolutely beautiful. Now we need a name!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl!!! You still got your 8/8, it's just not the date!!
Hurry up with the name!

~Michelle said...

Yay!!! A girl! She is soooo beautiful! I love that little round face! 8lbs 8oz...see 8 can still be your lucky number. Now what is with this no name business? She cant be called Baby Farrell forever!!!I hope you are recovering well and enjoying being with your sweet angel.

Love, Michelle

Avery's Mom said...

YAY! I've been thinking of ya'll today!!

I'm a little biased, but baby girls are the BEST! Think of all the fun girl stuff ya'll can do together!!! CONGRATS!! Can't wait to hear the name!!!


~Michelle said...

ELLA! What a fabulous name! I find my self getting on this blog just to look at her picture again. She is so pretty!!! And you look great Gelle! See, this c-section thing worked out for both of you girls. Give Ella a kiss from Aunt Chelle. I love you both.

Love, Chelleb654 (I see you have another Michelle on this thing so I dont want to confuse anyone)

Anonymous said...

WOW, gel, you look beauitiful and your baby girl is precious. i wished i had looked that good after i delivered. glad to see everyting went well and i cant wait to meet baby ella. i enjoy reading your blog and i hope you keep us posted.
donald and charnelle

Anonymous said...

Oh Congratulations!!
Gelle & Bart you sure have a beautiful baby. Ella is such a pretty name..
Can't wait for ya'll to make a trip home to see her.

Luv ya'll....Aunti Ang