Friday, August 8, 2008

Eight - Eight - Oh - Eight!!

Well, today is here. Your official due date. I feel as if we're all anxiously awaiting your arrival like stargazers would sit, staring up at the sky, waiting for a shooting star. Looking, waiting, hoping for just a little sign that its almost about to happen. Trust me, that's been me for two weeks!!

I will say that I felt a little different feeling last night at dinner...just tummy and back pain, but we didn't do enough walking yesterday to warrant all those aches, so I was hopeful. Yet, after a long night of waiting, this morning I woke up feeling great again and well-rested.

There's still hope for your 08-08-08 arrival. There was an article in the newspaper today about how the Chinese think that the number eight is a lucky number, and so to be born on 08-08-08 would be EXTRA lucky for you. I say, where's MY luck in delivering a baby today?!?

Despite the millions of text messages and emails asking "do we have a baby yet?" and "I hope today is the day!" and the walking and the spicy food and the countless other tips and techniques I have tried, I know you will be here soon. And regardless of when you decide to grace us with your presence, it will definitely be a lucky day for your daddy and I.

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

There are still 12 more hours to 8-8-08! Woot Woot! You never know what is just around the corner!! :)

~ Lacie

Anonymous said...

Baby Farrell.... Now this just isn't funny anymore.... We have many many people that are all sitting on GO waiting for you to make your appearance!!! I know it's nice and comfortable in your mommy's womb...AND I'm sure it's cooler in there than it is out here, BUT the fact remains that you just HAVE to come out!!! I promise you, you will be so happy you did... You have so many beautiful things to see and a family that is just DYING to meet's really not so bad out here.... YOU'LL LOVE IT, I PROMISE, AND MAMMY'S DON'T LIE.... SO BABY FARRELL...... COME ON DOWN!!!!!!!! love...mammy

~Michelle said...

Go towards the light Baby Farrell. Just follow that light like your mama told you and come on out. We cant wait to hear if you are a boy or girl and what beautiful name you parents have picked just for you. I cant wait to hear about you and how perfect you are and see your picture!

Anonymous said...

You really look great. Just about 6 more hours, start jumping on the bed!

Erin said...

Your Baby Nurse says,"Find some stairs and keep walking up and down!!!"


Erin said...

Your Baby Nurse says,"Find some stairs and keep walking up and down!!!"
