Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm baaaack, and heeeeeere's ELLA!!

Thanks to my wonderful friend and personal reporter Lacie, I am so glad to see my blog has been in good hands.

As I am sure you all know, IT'S A GIRL!!! Little Ella Pearl Farrell was born Wed, August 13th, 2008 at 5:55pm. She weighed 8 lbs 8 ozs, and she was 19.75 inches long. She has light brown hair, and so far, her eyes are grayish blue. She is absolutely perfect, but of course, I'm biased.

The c-section went smoothly, and I am healing well (thank God for meds!) Motherhood has been so much fun so far. It's a major transition, but we're doing just fine learning to be parents. I know we have a MAJOR road ahead, but so far, so good!! GOD BLESS MY WONDERFUL MOTHER for coming to stay with us and help us out. She takes some of the night shifts and helps keep the house afloat. I don't know what we would do without her, and Bart and I both are fearing when she leaves.

Ella is just a great baby. We finally have the kinks worked out with the feeding schedule, and although its not anywhere near perfect, at least we're getting a little more sleep! But she eats, sleeps and poops, eats, sleeps and poops - and then she makes the cutest little faces. We just love her so much.

I will do my best to keep posting pics on the blog. I haven't been able to go up and down the stairs quite yet, so I am not as easily accessible to a computer, but when I can, I will! Plus, I'm sure I'll have tons of funny stories at my first shot at motherhood.

Thanks to EVERYONE who has been calling, emailing, posting comments and sending their wishes. We appreciate all of you, and we can't wait for you to meet our little baby girl. Our original date for the baptism of Labor Day weekend has been cancelled - we just think its a little much to travel to Louisiana with her only being two weeks old. But we plan on going home soon, and I will let everyone know when we do!

Mama Gelle


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to see that you're back, MAMA GELLE!!!! Love the name! And we love ya'll! Bebe Ella is the luckiest little girl
in the worldddddddddd!!!!

~ Lacie (on sabbatical from reporting, for now)

Anonymous said...

she looks just like you! she is also so alert....congrats!

Anonymous said...

glad things are going well!!! i still want to bbq those little cheeks on skewers and eat them up!!! still cant get over how much she looks like you angle!!
love yall!