Friday, August 29, 2008

Doctors Update

Well, both Ella and I got a good bill of health from our doctors. It was a loong day taking care of medical business, but Ella was a real trooper.

First off was my appointment. Dr. Montgomery says everything looks great with my incision, and I can even start walking, so as soon as we got home that evening, we went walking through the neighborhood (ok, well Daddy and I walked - Ella kinda strolled!!)

While we were near the hospital, we went have Ella's second PKU test. I had no idea what it entailed - I just remember everyone saying how they cut into the baby's heel. So, there we are - Daddy and I putting our pride and joy on the nurse's table. What does my rock, my big manly husband do?? Turns around and nearly walks out the room!! So, I held her little hand while they pricked her heel with the tiniest little clicker. Her face was priceless. At first, she just kinda looked at me with her big eyes....then when the nurse starting squeezing the life out of her heel, her face went from happiness to sheer terror in 2 seconds. Luckily, it only lasted like 1 minute, and she was back to her sweet little self again. Daddy will never make it through her immunization shots!!

Now, if I haven't mentioned this before, its worth mentioning now. Bart and I have been great getting used to changing diapers considering that neither one of us have much experience on the matter. But at least once a day, she throws a curveball at us. In the middle of changing a poopy diaper, with new diaper wide open, she decides to tinkle - which looks like a bubbling fountain that seems to go on forever - forcing us to change her diaper again, her onesie, and the blanket beneath her. Always fun times....

So, next was her pediatrician appointment. There we are in the newborn exam room, and they ask us to strip her down to nothing and wrap her in this pink thing that looks like a giant napkin. Its time to be weighed. So, we bring her to the scale which looks like a big, cold, silver carseat - and the nurse weighs her. As soon as she's done, we go to pick her up and she is sitting in a LAKE of tee tee!! That girl....

Anyway, she is 21 inches long!! And she weighs 8 lbs 15 ozs - which is one ounce away from 9 lbs (had to explain that for all my friends who DON'T know how many ounces in a pound - I had NO idea what an ounce was until I had a baby - between her weight and bottles, I am a pro!) Doctor says she's looks great!!

It was a great day with our daughter (still seems crazy to say that).

Mama Gelle


Andrea's Mom said...

Oh how I look forward to the diaper changing and tee tee. HAHA Sounds like Ella is doing great. I can't wait to experience these things. HEHE

~Michelle said...

I am glad that you and Ella are a-okay. I love what you have done with this blog. Now its all girly and oh so cute!