Thursday, July 31, 2008

Was it a contraction??

Well, I think I may have FINALLY felt my first mini contraction. Bart and I were out to dinner, and when we were ordering, I felt this tightening in my belly. It kind of felt like gas...or more like something pulling my belly button from the inside and trying to reach it to my lower back. It happened for like 5 or 10 seconds, three times in a row - and it made me laugh more than anything. Kind of like an "Aye yie YIE!" feeling. Then, two minutes later, it happened one more time as I was talking to the waitress - and I almost couldn't speak, but again - not pain - just a different feeling.

Who knows what it was, but it didn't happen again since then. I guess it kind of relieved me to know that SOMETHING is happening in there! Mammy says that when the real thing comes, I won't be laughing!!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha! I just keep thinking you were sitting there and then burst out with "Ayyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee yee YIE!" Too funny! I'm laughing at Mammy saying you won't be laughing at the real deal.....Aye Ye Yie!!! :)

~ Lacie

Anonymous said...

love love love your hair and the belly too!

Anonymous said...

yes, you will defnitely know when the real contractions come. the baby's room looks lovely. so are you planning on an epidural when you have the baby or not? some people are really weird about those things these days. when i had nathan i was screaming for the drugs!!!--janet

Farrell Family said...

oh, i have NO PROBLEM with the drugs! i say, bring 'em on!!