Sunday, July 27, 2008

Great weekend with Aunt Shel!

Your Aunt Shelly came to visit me this weekend just when I needed her most. Mammy and Paw Paw took all the grandchildren to Florida this weekend, so she came spend a child-free weekend with me, and we certainly had a blast! I will admit, she was hoping you'd make your appearance while she was here, but you stayed put in my belly all weekend (but it wasn't from a lack of us trying!!)

We had spicy Mexican food twice while she was here, we even had some spicy Chinese food, and we shopped till we dropped every day! Friday we had some fabulous (our word for the weekend) pedicures, and then we hit the mall. Saturday we went see Mamma Mia at the Studio Movie Grille (which Shelly was in LOVE with - both the movie AND the dinner/movie theater). The movie was soooo good, and we sang ABBA for the rest of the day. It was just a great, great time.

Your poor Nanny was there in spirit. Your cousin Christina was too young to go on the Florida trip, so Nanny stayed in Louisiana with her - but she called often so that she could partake in the activities via cell phone!! Aunt Shelly and I never got around to taking a picture together (probably because we were too busy shopping), but thanks to the tech-y work of my good friend Lei Lani, I still have a great shot of the two of us from our shennanigans.

This week I plan to take it easy like Sunday morning. Tomorrow I get my hair done (halleluia!). After that, I am READY when you are, baby!! Tuesday and Wednesday, I have teacher workshops which hopefully won't be too boring. I am still feeling great, but I am tired of lugging you around on the inside. It's high time we meet in person!!

Love, Mom

P.S. I added a few extra touches to your room - aren't they cute??


Anonymous said...

baby farrell..... I LOVE you're room and i can't wait to see your little body in it!! God only knows how much your Mom and Dad have worked so hard to have it so ready for you. Please hurry and occupy it so they can stop working and just enjoy it AND you!! Now i DO want to tell you something...your aunt shelly doesn't REALLY look that's b/c she's standing next to your mom who is SO LARGE!!! lol You are getting ready to be born into a crazy family....get used to it... We love you so much little one...come see us....QUICK!!! Love you so much already....Mammy

Anonymous said...

Loving the photo of you and Auntie Shell Bell! :) And bebe Farrell's room is awesome! Can't wait to see bebe in it! :)

~ Lacie

Anonymous said...

wow, shelly looks great, havent seen her in so long and i did think something looked a little funny about that pic but really i would have never guessed it was cropped until i read it.
so soon now angle!!!!!!!! i wish we could be in the same hospital making jokes and cutting up- going through this all together!! cant wait! love yall!!

Andrea's Mom said...

Baby Farrell, what are you waiting on? I'm just dieing to know what you are. :)
Love the pic of you and Shelly. HAHA Shelly does look fab.

Anonymous said...

Angelle...I look like a moron just standing there next to you in my "does this dress make me fat" look! You are sooooooo funny for doing that! I can't believe we didn't take a pic together though! Had a FABULOUS time with you and Bebe Farrell! Only wish "shim" would have "come on down" while I was there!!!!!!! Oh well! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!