Thursday, July 3, 2008

Classes and Dr's Appt

Nothing really new to report.

Daddy and I went to the Baby Care Basics class last night. We learned how to change your diaper, swaddle you, bathe you, and look for things wrong with you. We also learned everything we ever wanted to know about circumcisions. Gross! It was very interesting, and we came home and quizzed each other on all we learned.

This morning was my doctor's appointment. Everyone is on vacation right now, so it was very backed up, plus he had to deliver a baby while we were there! My appointment was at 9:30, and we didn't get to see the doctor till almost noon! But everything from the previous ultrasound came back good. The heartbeat was in the 130s. I only gained one pound, and he confirmed that you will gain about a half pound per week in the next 5 weeks. So, nothing new (which is good!)

Daddy and I are going to hang out around the house for the 4th of July holiday tomorrow. We got some meat to barbecue, and the neighborhood always has a nice fireworks show. Hope everyone reading has a great holiday!!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

I could just watch that clock twenty-four hours a day until it clicks down to 0 days, 0 minutes, 0 seconds!!!!!!!! I can hardly wait for you to be here, Baby Farrell, so we can call you by name!!! Love, Mammy