Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Doctor's Update

Daddy and I went to the doctor today. Everything looks great, he says. He is still firm with his due date of Aug 8th, even though he says this latest ultrasound shows an estimated due date of July 29th. He thinks that those calculations just might mean that you're going to be a bigger baby than average! Yay! He said estimated around 8 to 8.5 lbs. So, nothing really new though. You haven't "dropped" yet or anything (although with as much as Mommy's been tinkling, one would think you were sitting DIRECTLY on my bladder).

My next appointment is next Tuesday.

Also, it looks like Daddy is opting out on his fishing trip this weekend. He was supposed to go fishing in Dulac, La with his cousins from New Iberia for their annual trip. But after some careful consideration (and even advice from his cousins who are mostly dads themselves), he decided maybe it's not such a great idea to drive five hours away to go to the middle of nowhere for an entire weekend. (Let the record state that I had nothing to do with his decision!!) I think he just realizes that he would NEVER want to miss the chance of being the very first one in the world you set eyes on. Awww...

We're getting very anxious and excited. This waiting game is for the pits!

Love, Mom


NannyKelly said...

Hey Mommy, I can't believe you're not letting my daddy go fishing this weekend...it may be the last time in a long time for him to go! I was really looking forward to some baby/mommy bonding...oh, well! Daddy, stay strong...I won't be coming any time soon! Uncle DD is not too happy that he can't go and he promises to build me a princess castle in the future and we don't want to make him unhappy! Oh well, I'll see you all on the 8th of August!
Baby Farrell

NannyKelly said...

Hey Baby Farrell,
I can't wait to see you! I'm sorry your daddy can't go fishing this weekend...trust me, Uncle DD will get over it...they'll be other weekends! Remember, August 8th is a great day...8-8-08, what better way for everyone to remember your birthday!
Well, I'll see you on the 8th, I'll be the pretty one in the waiting room! Love you,

Farrell Family said...

You retarded, yeah?

Anonymous said...

Hello my precious little baby... I am the Mammy and I for one am THRILLED that your daddy has decided NOT to go fishing with the guys and Uncle DD b/c he needs to be there with your Mommy just in case you decide to come early. NOW... I am NOT suggesting you do that b/c your cousins will not be happy with you if you come early...there's little trip to Florida they've been waiting for all year....You'll understand about this later on.... I love you... Mammy

Anonymous said...

Hello my little precious one... Just wanted to tell you that when I ready our mommy's blog this afternoon, saw her latest picture, all while I was listening to that music she has playing, I cried my eyes out thinking that I should be there in Houston with your mommy instead of here in Reserve!! I miss your mommy so much and I miss seeing you inside her belly. I can hardly wait to see you, touch you, and hold you in my arms! Lots of kisses and huggs from your Mammy........ xooxxoo