Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Night out with Tante Nel

Your Tante Nel (known to most as my sister-in-law, Janel) has a job assignment right down the street from us in Houston, so tonight daddy and I met her for dinner at Pappadeaux's. It was really nice to catch up with her, and we had a great time. She is working like 10 or 15 minutes away from our house, so hopefully if she has to stay longer, we can do it again!

Other than that, I feel great. You are kicking and rolling around up a storm, as usual. I've been busy shopping for last minute things for you. Today is July 8th - exactly one more month till my due date! Woah! Guess I need to get my bag packed and my tush in gear!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Little Baby Farrell, you have to be the luckiest little person in the whole wide world... Your mom and dad have been buying everything they can find to make your transition into this world just perfect. They've attended every class available, and even have your Baptism all planned!! They are ON THE BALL!!! Tell you what too... just between you and me.... I think you have the best looking set of parents in Houston. Just wait till you're looking through that glass at all the other parents....there won't be ANY as good looking as yours!! They are soooooo excited for you to get here!!! So am I!!! Not much longer, now!!! I love you so much..... Mammy

Farrell Family said...

Aww....I think I'm gonna cry!!

~Michelle said...

Awww...I got a little misty eyed from reading what your mom wrote! How sweet!