Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Picture It. Sicily. 1924....

I know this doesn't have anything to do with baby, but today a very important person died. It was Estelle Getty, the woman who played Sophia on the Golden Girls.

Now, I know you have no idea who the Golden Girls are yet, baby - but you will!!

You see, when your mommy was a little girl, she used to spend weeks at a time at Maw Maw Pearl (your Mamere) and Paw Paw Earl's house. It was always so much fun. We would get soft serve ice cream from Frostop or box ice cream from K&B, and Maw Maw would make me a "palette" to sleep on the floor every night (which was basically a big floppy mattress). And once a week, we would watch the Golden Girls (this is when they were brand new episodes - before the reruns!). It was a ritual for us.

Then when I got older, your Mammy and I would watch the Golden Girls reruns at night on Lifetime, and THAT became a ritual too. That was kind of our "mother-daughter time," and even now when I go to Louisiana to visit your Mammy, we stay up late and watch the Golden Girls. Anyone who knows me, knows that I L-O-V-E the Golden Girls...so I have already gotten two texts and three emails today to tell me of the sad news of Sophia (Estelle Getty), the funniest of the four characters. She died at 84 of early dementia.

Us Levet children take our sitcoms very seriously...you should've seen when John Ritter, the beloved actor who played Jack of Three's Company died. It was as if a family member passed away!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh....The Golden Grannies.....

"And if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND!"

~ Lacie :)

Anonymous said...

rip sophia and thanks for being my friend for so many years!

Anonymous said...

You were my favorite "Golden Girl" on the show! We will miss you
Sophia Petrillo.


~Michelle said...

Such a sad day indeed. Thank you for being a friend, Sophia.

Andrea's Mom said...

Very sad. Sophia will be missed.

Anonymous said...

baby farrell... a very good friend of your mom and mine died today and we will never be the same without her. Sophiai Petrillo will mean absolutely nothing to you but believe me she was your mom's and your mammy's best friend at night after hours. She made us laugh and we will really miss her!! You will know a lot about her because her memory will live on in our hearts and in cd's that we will no doubt buy of the Golden Girls. May she live forever in our hearts... Mammy