Saturday, July 19, 2008

I have a swollen WHAT!?

This morning I woke up with a swollen uvula.

A swollen WHAT, you ask?

The uvula is that little dangling thing that hangs in the back of our throats. This morning when I woke up, my mouth was extremely dry. After swallowing a few times, it felt like there was a big chunk of flim back there (gross, I know!). So, I swish a little water in my mouth and try to cough it up with no luck. Finally, I stuck my finger back there, and I can feel part of my throat RESTING ON MY TONGUE. After sticking a flashlight in there, sure enough - that dangly thing is literally sitting on top of my tongue.

I, of course, panicked. But after googling "that little dangly thing at the back of the throat," (thank God for the internet!), I discover that this is normal. It's caused by snoring through your mouth all night and having an extremely dry mouth. So, I just have to drink a lot of water, gargle salt water every so often and eat a lot of ice cream (I can handle that!), and it usually goes back to normal in 8 to 12 hours. Wow.

So, yesterday I hit 37 weeks - you are officially full-term! I cannot believe that in less than three weeks, we will be welcoming you into the world!! It's all so exciting!! It seems like every show I watch on television is about someone having a baby. I can't believe that's going to be me in that delivery room pretty soon! I just can't wait!

Here's a little video I was able to capture this morning of you moving around. You are VERY active in there (maybe it was YOU yanking on my uvula all night??) Check out the video - do you think you're eager to come out, or what??

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

OMG! That is the most amazing thing I have seen! WOW! I totally think bebe farrell is ready to get this party started!!! Yeah! Watch Out! OK!

~ Lacie

Michelle and Jason said...

That is so cool! It makes me want to start working on number three (shh . . . don't tell Jason; he'll freak out!). I'm so glad you are still feeling good, and I know the excitement is reaching its full potential.

Michelle (from Alabama)

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the mot awesome thing? I love baby Farrell already. I do believe "he" is ready to come out. WOW!!!

Anonymous said...

great video angle, you got him perfectly in action!! now about the vulva, you always did have that snore!!
i think he moves like a man!!

Farrell Family said...

it's a uvula!! not a vulva!! ha ha. and i do not snore!! (do i??) i know i always had it after i drank (which was usually when we were having sleepovers) but i know its even worse with the pregnancy!


Anonymous said...

Dear Bebe Farrell,

Don't let your mom fool you, she's snored as long as I've known her! I'm with your Aunt Jen-nay on that one! :) A swollen WHAT?!?!?

~ Lacie

~Michelle said...

That video is amazing! Baby Farrell is trying to claw its way out from your belly button. I hope you throat gets better soon! You dont even want to know where I though your uvula was located. I need to take an anatomy class =)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That baby wants out! It won't be long now!!!!

Jenny said...

Wow! The baby sure is making a lot of waves in there! Enjoy these last few days/weeks before the big arrival.

Take care!
Jenny Torres Poche

Anonymous said...

Come out, Come out little baby Farrell wherever you are......... If I could claw my way inside and you claw your way out.......maybe we can meet at the belly button.... Stay cool until after the 27th.... PLEASE???? I love you so much.........Mammy