Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Waiting Game

Great! Now your Mammy has gone and made me all misty-eyed from her sweet comments she left last night. So while we're playing the "waiting game," I decided to dig up a few old photos of Bart and I when we were babies so we can all predict what you might look like. I won't post them all at once.

These are two I found of the day I was born. Now I see why the ultrasound tech lady said that you are going to have a full head of hair - wow!! Look at that fro I am sporting! Your Mammy will probably kill me for posting these, but hey! It WAS thirty years ago!

Aren't they so sweet??

Love, Mom


~Michelle said...

Wow - you did have quite a fro! And your hair was so darky! Those are such sweet pictures and I almost cry everytime your mom leaves a comment. Yall better stop all this before yall make me wanna have a little bebe of my own...

Anonymous said...

What a precious baby! Your baby will be the best looking one in the nursery!
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Ohmygod Angelle....Where did all those years go??? Here YOU are having my little grandbaby and it seems like yesterday I was in that bed holding you for the first time. I have to say, though, I do NOT remember Daddy having so much hair. lol Okay, now little baby farrell, I want you to promise your mammy ONE THING... that you will NEVER grow up... I've been through it with children & grandchildren and quite frankly I miss those little babies!! I can hardly wait to have a picture of Mammy holding YOU... I'm so excited!!!

Anonymous said...

heyy gelle
i love the wbsite!! i love the pics of u n mammy n u n paw paw. ithink the baby will look like u.