Friday, July 11, 2008

What's in a name?

Today is 36 weeks! Just 4 more weeks! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by this summer. I'm still feeling great, but you are definitely growing! My tummy is so big and round!! The past three days I have been busy with a teaching workshop, which was very interesting. I learned lots of things I can teach you one day when you need tricks to remember what you're studying in school! But I am so tired from waking up early!!

Daddy and I have been trying to finalize names for you. It's so hard to come up with the perfect name!! I added two new polls on the blog (to the left) for my readers to vote on their favorites....we're not spilling our finalists, so I threw in a few fake names to keep it secret. But I am curious to see which one yall like. I've developed a pretty tough skin on the name issue, so feel free to share your opinion and even suggestions on your favorite boy or girl names in the comments section. Essentially, we've come to realize that no matter what anyone thinks, its ultimately up to your daddy and I to decide - and whatever we name you, that's what it will be. I sure hope you like what we decide.

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

You are right about chosing the name. Just watch the initials, and nicknames or come up with your own nickname! Elise or Elyse is a beautiful name. Very feminine. I do love Jack, my least favorite is Truman. Every Truman I ever met was gay, and there is nothing wrong with that, but ... Rest up girl, you are down to the home stretch! Linda

NannyKelly said...

Hi Baby Farrell...We voted for our names...we like Jack or Braxton for a boy, but since we know you are going to be a girl...we like Elise or Ella. Mommy, notice how many votes Arriana got...anyway, we can't wait to meet you, I hope you come on the 8th, it would really make my life easier, and sometimes it has to be about the NANNY!!!! JJ See you soon! Love, Nanny Kelly
PS...I'm kinda liking just Baby Farrell, it goes with both sexes!

Anonymous said...

o angle, these trick names are killing me! i do love eliza, thats my friends little girls name and she is the cutest ever, however, i see that im still one of the only ones voting for good ole barson!!!!!!!!!!
go barson!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh, only 24 more days! You are going to make the best mommy ever! I vote for Brendan or Ella. :-) Love, YBS

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, I love Nanny Kelly's comment, yes "Baby Farrell" definitely goes with both sexes! Too funny!

I'm sure once y'all meet bebe, the right name will just jump out!

~ Lacie

~Michelle said...

I voted for Brendan and Josie. I hope those werent the fake ones but they probably were! If you name your daughter a name that starts with E (my fave is Elise) make sure that her middle name doesnt start with L. Then her initials would be ELF =) All of the names you have chosen are great names, not too weird and not too boring. If Baby Farrell's name is in this bunch, then he/she will have a fantastic name!

justcurious said...

I think you are having a boy! I love the name Jack or Jaxson (jaxon is a strong name) i also love the E names for girls..Eliza or etta. But whatever u decide, baby Farrell will fit the name u choose! Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Jen-nay... I'm with you for the boy name. I think Barson is a good boy's name and I like Ariana and Josie for the girls name. But my little one I think you are a little boy! I think God HAS to feel sorry for us and give us ONE boy! May as well be you! But if you aren't a Barson, we'll love you just as much Ariana/Josie. Your nanny has to keep saying the name Ariana and she'll get very used to it!! Isn't it wonderful that it's all your mom and dad's decision, though, and they will name you the perfect name!!! I love you, little one... Your Mammy