Monday, June 30, 2008

Back in Class again!

Tonight Daddy and I went to two baby classes at the hospital: Breastfeeding 101 and Baby CPR.
I was very skeptical about taking Daddy to the breastfeeding class, but I thought he could help me retain some of the info. It was so great! There were a lot of other daddies there, so your Daddy didn't feel awkward. We learned everything we ever wanted to know about breastfeeding. Evelyn, our instructor, had a great sense of humor about the whole thing, and she had lots of visual aides, including a plush boob and a hand puppet baby that she demonstrated with. It was hilarious, and yet we learned so much!
And I had never taken any type of CPR course, so I learned a lot in the baby CPR class. We all got to practice on our fake babies, and now we know what to do in case you're ever choking on anything (although I pray that NEVER happens!!)
We have another class Wednesday, and Thursday is my next doctor's appointment. Lots of fun stuff going on this week!

Love, Mom


~Michelle said...

Plush boob and hand puppet! And let me say WOW again because it deserves a second one. I have heard of breastfeeding class but not of the puppets. I will have to lie to Josh to get him to go to something like that. With all these classes under your belt, you are ready, mama! It is right around the corner and I am so happy for you both! Love always, Chelle

Farrell Family said...

Yes, the plush boob was quite hilarious. She said she used to demonstrate on her own boob, but it got a little awkward with all the daddies that were coming to class. She was a hoot! I definitely recommend the classes though - even for the dads.