Thursday, January 7, 2010

Amelia Rose at 6 weeks!

Hasn't she grown so much in just six weeks. She's a smiley baby, too. She has been since we brought her home (which must mean she's got a heck of a lot of gas!!)
Yes, I know I am a major slacker, and I have a lot of "splaining" to do as to why I haven't updated this blog since I came home with Amelia. Needless to say, we have been some busy parents, and the busiest month of December went by like a blur. I'll be trying to play a little catch up on some of the highlights I missed since it was Amelia's first Christmas, and I promise to be more faithful to the blog!!!


Anonymous said...

Amelia my little one, you have absolutely no right to fuss or argue with your Mom for not keeping up with the blog these past six weeks!! When she says she's been busy, that is a gross understatement!!! You alone with your gas and colic has been a full-time job and don't remember your big sister still needs some of Mommy's attention too! Thank heaven for your Dad who takes Ella to the gym and out for walks (when it isn't FREEZING outside) and gives your Mom more time to tend to you. I think they are a great team and work so well together. You and your sis Ella are two very lucky little girls. I love you both soooo much... Mammy

Kristin said...

OH My...............she has changed a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!