Sunday, January 24, 2010

Slugger Takes a Fall

Oh my goodness, Ella Pearl got a fat lip today!!

Daddy took her to the YMCA, and he said when they first got there and he was checking her in, her shoe came off. She picked it up and was bringing it to daddy, when she tripped and hit the check-in desk right on the corner. She busted her lip and it looks like her nose too. He said she cried and it bled and bled, but after he cleaned her up and put some ice on it, she was fine. In fact, she still wanted to go play.

When they came home, she was looking pretty rough. Her lip had swelled, and there was a red line from her nose to her lip. Her nose was puffy and red too. Poor little thing...I just wanted to snuggle her all afternoon to make her feel better. She had a nap, and she didn't take long to go to bed that night. I hope she feels better tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

My poor little Ella... My eyes cried when I saw those two pictures of you... I KNOW that had to hurt!! But no matter how much it hurt you, you still can muster up a smile... You are so special, my little Ella Pearl. I love you so very much... Mammy