Friday, January 8, 2010

Ella's Potty Partay!

A few days ago, Bart and I had an interesting night. I had hopped in the bath with Ella, and we took a nice, warm bubble bath. We decided to kill two birds with one stone, so Bart threw Amelia in the tub with me too. It was so funny having both my girls in there with me....especially since Ella is a splasher. Anyway, Bart took Ella out and brought her to the living room to dress her while I finished bathing Amelia. All of sudden, I see her coming around the corner buck naked. Well, I know what that means....she somehow got away from Bart, and chances are, she peed somewhere in the house. When she is naked after a bath, she pees. Sure enough, Bart comes around the corner, "Ella!! You tee teed on the carpet!!"

It was hilarious. He quickly slapped a diaper on her and proceeded to clean up the tee tee off the floor. Having a dog, we are quite experienced with cleaning pee off the floor, so he knew just what to do. After that, he went back to the living room to finish dressing Ella in her PJs.

Totally distracted, I looked down at Amelia in the tub with me, and she started turning red. I hear two grunts, but everything kinda happened in fast motion. She started POOING. Pooing IN THE TUB that I am sitting in. Are you KIDDING ME??! I start yelling out for Bart, but it was too late. We had a floater. Bart took Amelia, and I began trying to scoop it out with a cup.

It was a wild and crazy night, I tell ya.

So, after that whole wonderful experience, we thought we would take advantage of knowing that Ella pees right after a bath, so we brought out the princess potty that Paw Paw Tom bought for her. I know, I's early to start potty training, but hey! You never know! She can "say" tee tee and poo poo. She knows when mommy makes tee tee. We introduced her to it, and of course, she tried to stand IN the hole. It's a work in progress.

We put it in our bathroom, and we were going to try it tonight after her bath. I got in the bath with her again tonight, but when Bart walked in to take her out, he said the water looked might yellow. Wonderful. She sat on it and tooted, but that was about it. No such luck on the potty tonight, but like I said, it's a work in progress.


Anonymous said...

My little Ella... You are entirely too young to be potty trained, but if your Mom thinks it could happen, it COULD HAPPEN!! BUT, by the look on your face as you sit on the potty...hmmm... I think you have a few months to go!! But who am I to know??? You must might do it in a couple of weeks...For your Mom and Dad's sake, I hope she's right...those diapers are expensive!! I love you so much... Mammy

~Michelle said...

I read this on FB but I just had to read this again because it is SO funny! WOW!