Every year, I get together with some lovely ladies, and we have what we like to call the SPS Christmas Partay. We started this eleven years ago so we could all see each other during Christmas, and originally, it was a small group of us who graduated from St Peter's together. Well, our little group has grown, so we're not comprised of just SPS ladies anymore, but we still keep the name all the same. It's the one time of the year that we can all bet that we'll see each other.
Well, this year we ran into a few snags since I had a newborn and Lacie also moved five hours away to Monroe. So, we planned our eleventh annual partay for January instead. So, that's what we came in for this weekend. Bart wasn't exactly thrilled that we came in JUST for that (ordinarily, it wouldn't be so big of a deal, but I will admit, travelling five hours with two babies isn't as easy as travelling five hours with just the two of us). Nonetheless, we did it, and I am so grateful we did. I had a BLAST hanging out with my best girlfriends, and I really needed that time away from the kiddos to relax and unwind. I laughed till I cried...fun times.

Ella and Amelia enjoyed themselves too, as Mammy and Paw Paw babysat them (with a little assistance from Bart) while I was away.
Sunday, they made us a delicious shrimp stew....it was a very quick but wonderful weekend!
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