Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

It has been the coldest winter I remember in a long time, or maybe I just pay more attention to the weather these days (a sign of old age??) Anyway, this week has been unbearable! Yesterday evening, it dropped down to 28, last night it was 25, and today during the day it was 35!! It's midnight, and it's 22 degrees, which is just insane for southern Texas! I don't like to leave the house when it's that cold (especially with Amelia), but Bart took Ella to the gym tonight to let her exert some energy. We had to bundle her up though! Doesn't she look like Miss Fancy Pants in her little red jogging suit Mammy and Paw Paw got her for Christmas?

Amelia wanted in on the action too!


Anonymous said...

My two precious little darlings!!! I am so happy that your little suit fits, Ella Pearl. You are so precious in red!!! And Amelia... how precious are YOU in that hat!! Aren't you glad you don't have to go out in all that cold weather.. Ella is used to it...being a gym jock and all... lol I love you two little girls sooo much!! Mammy