Tuesday, January 12, 2010

All in a Sunday afternoon

This past Sunday, Bart and I attempted to take the whole family to church together. Well, everything would've been fine had we not been running late (us? never!). Anyway, at our church if you're running late, you're most definitely standing in the back. So, we schlep the baby in carrier, Ella on hip, and diaper bag in tow into the back of the church only to find that the daycare is full. Why wouldn't it be? So, we decide to tough it out. Everything was going well until after the homily when they began baptisms for about six kids. What is this, God? A joke?

After mass, our friends Greg and Rebeca invited us over for lunch. We had a great time hanging out with them, and as always, Ella had a blast playing with IV. He was trying to teach her how to do a tumbleset, and she was hilarious, rolling all over the floor.

Ella is ready for Mardi Gras!! And she loves dinosaurs. Don't you love the way she is trying to "ride" the plesiosaurus?

Ella and her pal, IV.