Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sisterly Love

It's been a very good week so far because Bart has a class in The Woodlands for two weeks, so we have to go to bed early and wake up early so he can make it on time. I love it because we're all on more of a schedule now.

Last night, I made a slow cooker roast, rice & gravy and corn on the cob. I looove corn on the cob, especially when it's fresh. Ella apparently loves it too, and although I didn't think she had enough teeth to eat it, she never ceases to amaze me.

And here's Ella playing nice with her little sister. She's gotten a little better. She tries to shove the paci in her mouth now (and her ear and her nose). She did try to put the stroller on top of her in the bouncer today, so we're taking baby steps!