Well, we may have found somewhat of a solution for Amelia's colic. Ok, not a SOLUTION so much as a way to soothe her a little while she's going whack! There's this Rainforest Cradle Swing that the daycare at the YMCA has (actually they have like 5 of them), and every time Amelia starts crying, they put her in it, and she magically stops crying, so they say. Well, Bart and I both agreed we NEEDED one of these baby wonders! So, I went on the hunt on craigslist.com for the past few weeks, and this Monday, I found one priced right and close by. We picked it up that night, and when Amelia has her crying fit that night, the swing worked for a good 30 minutes. Hey, it works for me! See how she stares at the moving mobile in amazement?! This thing must send her subliminal soothing messages or something.We already have a swing, but she hates it. She won't stay in it for more than 5 minutes without crying to get out. The difference between our swing and this swing is that this one is a "cradle" swing, so it can swing from back and forth or side to side, which is what she loves. So, we'll see!
Ella Pearl has a nasty little cold this week. It started with the sniffles, and now it is full on runny nose and cough. Yuck! Yesterday, she had a little fever, but I honestly think it's just a cold. I mean, who blames her considering it went from a four-day freeze to 75 degree weather in like one week, right!? Only in the south!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ella's sick but Amelia's happy!
A cold doesn't stop Ella though. Here she is eating dinner (rice, of course!). Only bad thing about a runny nose and the way she eats rice....rice sticks to snot! Notice the grain of rice gracefully placed in her snotty trail beneath her nose. Niiice one, Ella.
Even though she's got a cold, she still went for a walk in the gorgeous weather we had this weekend. Don't you just love her hand-me-down outfit from Nanny Kelly? Gotta love having eight other female cousins to mooch off of.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:19 PM
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Once again you are amazing!! I hope Ella Pearls nose stops running soon so she does not waste any more yummy rice between her upper lip and nose. I know that Amelia will love her new swing, I hope that i calms her a little. Sending lot's of love and well wishes xxx Amber
PS. Love Ella Pearls little hand-me down outfit and what a perfect sunset. I only wish I was there to enjoy it with you all :) Amber
My little Amelia...you are having such a horrible time with that nasty old colic and I hope the swing, gripe water, or whatever else it takes will help you get better. Now I will say this, though, I have NEVER heard you scream and scream w/colic. I think sometimes your mommy or daddy are pinching you to make you cry. You are such a good little girl... Love you.... Mammy
My little Ella Vanilla.... you are something else!! I KNOW you must have chinese decendants somewhere down the line b/c you can eat RICE!! I hope that nasty cold gets better so you can feel good again. I love you so much and can't wait to see you soon... all my love to you and Amelia... Mammy
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