Today, Ella wore pigtails for the first time. They were so stinking cute! She would just look at you with that bright smile, and the pigtails seemed to make her smile even wider.
She really didn't even notice they were there, but I was making so much of a big deal over them, she got curious.

Don't you just love her shirt too? That's from her Aunt Stina, and Amelia has one to match.

Ella Pearl has been quite the helper lately. If Amelia is crying, she finds the paci and puts it in her mouth (shove is probably a better word for it). And if she sees a bib lying around, she tries to put it on her. This pic below is adorable because not only Ella trying to put the bib on, Amelia is just laughing and laughing at her while she does it.

Later that night, we had dinner, and Ella had mashed potatoes. She even started to eat them with her very own fork. Unfortunately, the hands won.
My little Ella... You make me laugh soooo much. I just love the picture of you and the mashed i've said before, you aren't the neatest of eaters... You are going to just be the best big sister a person could ever want. In just a few short years, you and Amelia will be best friends... I just know you will protect her and love her so much. I love you so much my little girl... Mammy
My little Amelia... you are such a lucky little girl to have such a great big sister... I know right now she is a little rough and doesn't realize her own strength, but as you get older, you and Ella will become such good friends. You will always have a playmate...won't that be fun??? I love you sooo much, my little Amelia Rose... Mammy
PS... Ella..........I JUST LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, THE PIGTAILS............
You are just adorable in them.... Can't wait to see Amelia in pig tails too.... Mammy
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