It's little moments like these that make me such an incredibly happy and thankful person.
Sent from my iPhone Angelle Levet Farrell
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Two little girls had their piggies painted for the first time! Sent from my iPhone Angelle Levet Farrell
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:17 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What to be for Halloween?
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Ella-ism #35
We're all about Santa right now...when she says she wants something, I tell her she has to ask Santa for it. Make a list. Start thinking about what you want to as Santa for. She when she tells me, "Mom, I really want a little Sid toy" (Sid the Science Kid - don't ask), I tell her, "ask Santa."
I did the insane and took all three of them to Wal-Mart the other really wasn't that bad. On our way our, we have to pass by the toy crane machines. She always asks me to play, and I always tell her I am out of money.
So, she says, "Mom, can I play the crane....oh wait, that's right, you don't have any monies. You should ask Santa for some monies, mom....that would be good. And maybe if you're good, he'll bring you some monies."
Maybe so, my Ella....maybe so!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Ella's First Day of Dancing
So, with our sudden change back to the Lamb School, we've had to tighten the purse strings a little, so Ella and Amelia in gymnastics is out. However, our YMCA was offering dance classes for 3-5 year olds (ballet and tap), and it's very affordable, so I thought we'd give it a try. I was very impressed with the teacher and the program, and I think it all worked for the best....God always has a plan.
Kim stayed at the house with her two kids while Amelia napped, and I brought Olivia to the daycare in the Y. Ella was all dressed in her ballet shoes and leotard, ready for class. We hadn't gotten the packet for dress code until Sunday, so I just dressed her in what I had bought her....of course, now we need an entirely different outfit. Oh clothes!! Ella met her teacher Mrs Cindy, and she got in line with the other girls as they called role. It was adorable!!! Then they all went into a classroom - no mom's allowed. We had to smush our faces into the sliver of a window on the door to get peeks.
She said she had fun though, so we're going to keep going. Dance recital will be May 19 (got that Mammy!?). I think she's going to do great! Yet, she's growing up way too fast.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Geaux Tigers!!
Saturday, LSU played my old alma mater, NSU. OK, so it wasn't really my alma mater...I was only there for one year. But it was my freshman year, so it was a very important year, and I will always hold a very special place in my heart for NSU and those white columns. That being said though, I pulled for my tigers anyway. We spent the afternoon with our friends Kurt, Robin and their son Dean. Kurt is a big Georgia fan (blah blah), so we watched his team barely lose, and then we saw LSU greatly win.
My little Farrell girls all represented well.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Posted by Farrell Family at 1:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Posted by Farrell Family at 8:19 AM 0 comments
First week of Fall
This was the first week of fall in full swing, and it was a FABULOUS week indeed.
The girls started the Lamb School Tuesday, and they were about the cutest things I've ever seen in their little schoolhouse dresses (thank you, Aunt Shelly). They were so excited to carry their backpacks and purse (aka frog lunchbags) into school, and they both walked right into their classes without even looking back. Made a mama proud. When I went to pick them up, I had to laugh at the teachers' opinions of my girls. Ella's teachers told, "Wow, she is NOT shy, that's for sure." She told me Ella owned that classroom. Amelia's teachers told me she seemed so comfortable and at home in class, like she'd been there all year long. A little social butterfly, they called her. I love it...
Bart and I had date night tonight...we had a great time with lots of conversation, which are always my favorite kind of date nights. After dinner though, we decided to go have a drink at a local bar. We NEVER go fact, I'm pretty sure I haven't stepped foot into a bar in three years, before I was pregnant for Ella. It was a nice thing to do every once in a some live music and have a beer. I felt human and a little like my old self. Plus it was nice to be dressed up a little, without spitup down my shirt and actually having showered! Ha! I'm pretty sure I loss the cool factor when I whipped out my glasses to read a text on my cellphone though. Oh was a great time anyway!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 5, 2011
Geaux Tigers!!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:34 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 3, 2011
"Look Mama, I'm a koala bear!!" Sent from my iPhone Angelle Levet Farrell
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Every girl loves a new pair of shoes
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:54 AM 1 comments
Last Minute Jitters
Well, after much talking last night, Bart and I have decided to send the girls back to the Lamb School at The Met instead of Bear Creek. I know most of you back home in Louisiana are like, what!?
Ella went to the Lamb School at The Met Baptist Church last year, and I absolutely loved it. She loved it. It's the same church that I went to bible study and where I go to MOPS. But this year with having two in MDO, it was going to be a little pricey. Bear Creek Baptist had a really great program, so I enrolled the girls, and they were to start Tuesday. My friend Noelle's girls go there also, although they weren't going to be in the same classroom, and our neighbors Dixie and Jeff are members at Bear Creek. It was a great place, but I just love the Lamb School so much, and it's just where my heart is. Thank GOD there were openings for both girls, and I enrolled them today to also start on Tuesday! Yay! I am SOOOO excited. Ella even has some of her old classmates in her class.
Ella took a nap today for like the first time in two months. She must be sick or there must be some barometric drop that made her eyes close because otherwise I have no other way to explain it. She fell asleep on our way home from registration, and I carried her in the house, where she slept for an hour and a half more. Being the smart one that I am, I moved her into my bed so if Amelia woke up, we wouldn't wake her. Yeah...I was smooth. So smooth I forgot to put a pullup on her, and she totally unloaded a full bladder on my side of the bed. All the shamwows in the world aren't soaking that up. Ugh! I just am not used to her napping, so when it happened, I think I went into shock!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:33 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Going meet the teacher at our new MDO school. :) Sent from my iPhone Angelle Levet Farrell
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:52 AM 3 comments
Fall always means new beginnings
Hello fellow blog readers....
I know I have been a complete failure in the blog department. I have not written a single post since APRIL which is just a shame considering I gave birth within that time. In my defense, I have been a little busy raising three babies. I won't lie, it gets a little challenging sometimes, so time is not always my friend. But it's September, fall is among us, and with fall brings new beginnings. Rather than wait for a New Year to make a resolution, I decided to make mine now and try to post at LEAST once a week.
I'm not going to spend my time apologizing for all I have missed. As most of you know, I had my precious little angel on June 1st - Olivia Levet Farrell. Tomorrow she will be three months, and she has been SUCH a wonderful blessing in our lives. She is SUCH a great baby, sleeping up to ten hours at night on some nights. I couldn't ask for more, really....and she is cute as a button. She is starting to get a little personality, and she smiles and smiles. And she's getting so big....she's almost in 6 month clothes already! Such a beauty. I'll elaborate more on her soon.
Ella Pearl and Amelia meet their teachers tomorrow, and next Tuesday, they start "school," which is really just a Mothers Day Out program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They're going to Bear Creek Baptist this year, a new place, and we're really excited to have them both there. Amelia needs some classroom time!
Amelia is growing so much right now too. She is a CHATTERBOX, talking just like her big sister. She is a character, and she's starting to play a lot of pretend. She loves to play dress up and sing and dance. She reads books like her sister used to do, mimmicking reading and turning the pages. It's a sight to see! She has got the most gorgeous head of curly cue hair I have ever seen...I just gave her a haircut because it was like a giant fro. No doubt though, it's beautiful, and she'll surely be the envy of all straight-haired girls she meets. She has a little temper on her, approaching the terible two's a tad early...she loves to pull hair and throw a tantrum or two. Hoping school will shape her up and out of that phase!
Ella Pearl is doing just great too. She's growing up way too fast for my taste, and I am amazed daily by her intelligence. She can do 24-piece puzzles all by herself right now, and while Amelia naps, she and I have been working in fun little workbooks, finding letters and numbers. She is so smart. She also loves to sing and dance, and well, we all know about her Thomas the Train obsession. She loooves her train table she got for her birthday, and she loves playing with her sister. Our newest news is that she is completely potty trained!! was everything I thought it would be and more!! She still wears a pullup at night, but it's been panties all day every day for almost a month now. So exciting!
We start gymnastics next week as well....Amelia and I will do a mommy and me class, and Ella will do her little class. Really excited about that. Girls are so fun!
Anyway, that's where we are right now...I PROMISE to start updating this blog more often. It will be a little ritual for me....too many funny parenthood stories for me NOT to share. I also learned to blog from my phone, so that will make sharing photos much easier.
Here's my first photo shared via cellphone. It's a birdhouse me and the girls painted today. They painted all the solid colors themselves, and they decorated the side walls themselves. The roof sides and back have a handprint from each of them...will be such a great keepsake. Thanks Krystal for the fun birthday gift. It was Amelia's first time painting, and she loved it.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 30, 2011
MOPS and POPS date night
I know I have some catching up to do with Easter, but I had to share this little story about Ella while it was fresh in my mind. Tonight was MOPS and POPS night for my MOPS group, which is basically date night. Our MOPS groups sponsor an event with $5 childcare, and for $15 a couple, we enjoy fellowship with other MOPS women and their husband, Pappasitas dinner, and entertainment. It was a blast, and the entertainment was Sportz Comedy, an improv comedy group geared towards sports. It was hilarious.
We were asked to wear our favorite team colors, so of course, Bart and I were decked out in LSU. I squeezed into the largest LSU shirt I own, and since a lot of people have been asking for a photo, here it is - me, nine months pregnant.
It was to the tune of Frere was:
"God Our Father, God Our Father
Once again, once again,
Thank you for our blessings, thank you for our blessings,
Amen, Amen"
I just about started was so sweet!! She was so sweet when she was singing it too.
Happy mommy feeling....I love being a mom.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:12 AM 2 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
Ella has some learning to do too. She was a tad confused. When they gave her the ok to start hunting, she would pick up an egg, open it, look to see what was inside and THEN move on to the next egg. We tried to explain to her to object of collecting as many as she could FIRST, then checking out her loot, but she has her own little way of doing things....
There was a hula hoop contest, and Ella was hellbent on particpating (even though we don't own a hula hoop, nor has she ever seen one..) She actually did pretty well though for a 2 yr old.
Ella and IV catching a snack before the next contest....
Amelia was obsessed with the Easter bunny...every time we couldn't find her, she'd be following him around. He didn't need to talk to her....she just wanted to be next to him. It was the funniest thing. So much for being scared of characters in disguise....that is one thing my children are NOT!
It was a great day...the girls had a blast, and it was such a nice thing for our neighborhood to provide.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:11 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
Toy Story on Ice
This Friday morning, we had tickets for Toy Story on Ice with Kim and Meganne. All week I had been telling Ella we were going, and all week she said she did not want to go. What!? What do you know about what you want!!?? So, we went, against her wishes. Kim made her and Meganne the cutest Toy Story pillowcase dresses and bows. They were the cutest little girls in that arena! As we handed out tickets to the front gate worker, I could see the growing concern in Ella's eyes. She was beginning to realize that this plae, the Reliant Center, was the same place that the rodeo was held, and we all know the drama that took place for that event. You know, where we missed Brad Paisley AND the championships for the rodeo because Ella freaked out during the opening ceremonies due to fireworks?? Well, I was not giving up this time.
We walked up to our section, and when we hit the steps to go down, Ella began crying. What happened to my little daredevil girl who was not afraid of anything!?! She cried, saying, "get me out of here, I wanna go home..." I told her we would only stay for a little while, and that Mickey might be there. Fair enough we were a little late too, so it was already dark in the arena. But she sat on my lap, tears in her eyes, and watched. No smiles, no laughs...just tears. And after every performance, she would clap.....and then tear up again. I felt like I was torturing her, but somewhere in there, I knew she was enjoying it.
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Amelia Has Tubes!
After much contemplation and question (and a second opinion!), we decided to put tubes in Amelia's ears. She can hear just fine, but her ENT, Dr Staton said that she would just get tons more ear infections. So, we decided it would be best to go ahead and get them. Mama was a nervous wreck!
Daddy brought Ella to school while Amelia and I drove down to the NW Surgery Center early in the morning. I was soooo nervous because I had never been there before, and Amelia was a little whiny because she was on her second antibitotic for an ear infection that week, poor baby. The place was really nice, and while I was filling out paperwork, the nurse gets a phone call that Amelia's aunt was there. My WONDERFUL friend and neighbor Dixie showed up at 8am to be there with me....what a wonderful blessing and surprise. Between the two of us, we managed to keep Amelia fairly calm considering the doctor was a tad late. She cried when they took her back, but after 10 minutes (yes, TEN minutes) the doctor came out and said she did wonderful. He also said it was a good decision to get tubes because her ear was full of ickiness and infection. Made me feel better.
They called me back once she came to, and she was a little disoriented but doing fine. She was a real trooper...she was whiny the whole ride home, but she slept for three or four hours once we got home. Mommy survived too!! I don't like seeing my little baby girl like that...she didn't take long to come back around.
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Little Garden Green Thumbs
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 10, 2011
After that, we went eat at their favorite "farm," as they call it, Clays. It's a restaurant with a huge deck and farm animals for the kids to play with. Today they even had pony rides. The girls ran and played and completely wore themselves out - and fed the ponies. There's nothing like feeding farm animals and eating a meal all in the same hour to really make your stomach turn.
We tried to RUN IN to Wal-Mart on the way home, as we were DESPERATE for wipes and diapers. We tried to split up, which didn't work at all. After a little while, Bart took Ella to get our paint (for our room) mixed while I took Amelia to get some quick groceries. She cried for DADA and would NOT sit in her seat without going nuts, so I held her for half the way. Did I mention I am nearly 8 months pregnant!? After I could take her on my hip no longer, I put her on my shoulders - can you get the visual of me, hugely pregnant, walking around with a one-year-old on my shoulders maneuvering my shopping cart with one hand, actually SHOPPING?!? Let's just say I got a few looks, but I got the job done.
The girls were exhausted and so am I...early night for me!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:55 PM 0 comments