This morning I made Ella some Wiggly Waffles (like on Sprout TV), which is basically waffles with some pizazz. So, this morning she had strawberry waffles with whipped cream. She loved them!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wiggly Waffles
Posted by Farrell Family at 2:07 PM 2 comments
Ella's sick but Amelia's happy!
Well, we may have found somewhat of a solution for Amelia's colic. Ok, not a SOLUTION so much as a way to soothe her a little while she's going whack! There's this Rainforest Cradle Swing that the daycare at the YMCA has (actually they have like 5 of them), and every time Amelia starts crying, they put her in it, and she magically stops crying, so they say. Well, Bart and I both agreed we NEEDED one of these baby wonders! So, I went on the hunt on for the past few weeks, and this Monday, I found one priced right and close by. We picked it up that night, and when Amelia has her crying fit that night, the swing worked for a good 30 minutes. Hey, it works for me! See how she stares at the moving mobile in amazement?! This thing must send her subliminal soothing messages or something.We already have a swing, but she hates it. She won't stay in it for more than 5 minutes without crying to get out. The difference between our swing and this swing is that this one is a "cradle" swing, so it can swing from back and forth or side to side, which is what she loves. So, we'll see!
Ella Pearl has a nasty little cold this week. It started with the sniffles, and now it is full on runny nose and cough. Yuck! Yesterday, she had a little fever, but I honestly think it's just a cold. I mean, who blames her considering it went from a four-day freeze to 75 degree weather in like one week, right!? Only in the south!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:19 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Slugger Takes a Fall
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:11 AM 1 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pippy Ellastocking
Today, Ella wore pigtails for the first time. They were so stinking cute! She would just look at you with that bright smile, and the pigtails seemed to make her smile even wider. She really didn't even notice they were there, but I was making so much of a big deal over them, she got curious.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:23 AM 3 comments
Amelia Rosetta
We went to the doctor's office this morning to check on Amelia's colic. I just wanted to make sure I had her on the right formula and that it wasn't anything more than gas (since it's been going on since SHE WAS BORN). So, the three of us went see Dr. Nguyen, and they just did her two month checkup while I was there too. First things first, Amelia is doing GREAT. Dr. Nguyen said she is so alert and aware of her surroundings. And she smiled and cooed at her, so she already knew how to get on the doc's good side in hopes there won't be as many shots. Ha...unfornately all that cooing was in vain because she had to get THREE shots...two in one leg and one in the other. It was horrific, but luckily Ella was distracting me from having to watch or think about them mauling my little angel. She was a trooper too...only cried for like 20 seconds!
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:08 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Girls Night Out (ok, in...)

Posted by Farrell Family at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ella's new baby doll
Be very afraid. Here's Ella Pearl pushing Amelia around in her baby doll stroller. She must've pushed her around the house for about a half hour. Tired them both out!
Posted by Farrell Family at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Who's Who?
This was some photos I found looking through the blog in the past. I was trying to decide if Ella (in the middle in pink), looked more like me (to the left) as a baby or Bart (to the right). I definitely think Ella looked a lot more like me. So, to compare, I added Amelia in (in between Ella and Bart), and does she look like Bart or what!? The mouths are almost identical!
Amelia cooed tonight for the first time. It was so cute...she was smiling and looking at me, and she just made a big coooooo. Soooo precious! We switched to Similac Sensitive tonight per the doctor's recommendations to see if it helps with the colic. I hadn't mentioned much on the blog about it, but Amelia's got really bad colic from around 9pm to midnight at least four times a week. It is pretty nerve racking, and I feel so sorry for her because her body gets really stiff and she wails and swings her arms and legs around. It's been going on since right after she was born, and we just dealt with it. Yesterday she cried from 7pm to midnight, and I was just at my wits end. Our checkup isn't until the last week of the month, so I called my doctor to see what she thought. Hopefully this works but tonight was another banner night.
Even with all the crying though, she is still a wonderful, beautiful little baby.
Posted by Farrell Family at 12:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Sisterly Love
It's been a very good week so far because Bart has a class in The Woodlands for two weeks, so we have to go to bed early and wake up early so he can make it on time. I love it because we're all on more of a schedule now.
Last night, I made a slow cooker roast, rice & gravy and corn on the cob. I looove corn on the cob, especially when it's fresh. Ella apparently loves it too, and although I didn't think she had enough teeth to eat it, she never ceases to amaze me.
And here's Ella playing nice with her little sister. She's gotten a little better. She tries to shove the paci in her mouth now (and her ear and her nose). She did try to put the stroller on top of her in the bouncer today, so we're taking baby steps!
Posted by Farrell Family at 5:56 PM 0 comments
All in a Sunday afternoon
This past Sunday, Bart and I attempted to take the whole family to church together. Well, everything would've been fine had we not been running late (us? never!). Anyway, at our church if you're running late, you're most definitely standing in the back. So, we schlep the baby in carrier, Ella on hip, and diaper bag in tow into the back of the church only to find that the daycare is full. Why wouldn't it be? So, we decide to tough it out. Everything was going well until after the homily when they began baptisms for about six kids. What is this, God? A joke?
After mass, our friends Greg and Rebeca invited us over for lunch. We had a great time hanging out with them, and as always, Ella had a blast playing with IV. He was trying to teach her how to do a tumbleset, and she was hilarious, rolling all over the floor.
Ella is ready for Mardi Gras!! And she loves dinosaurs. Don't you love the way she is trying to "ride" the plesiosaurus?
Posted by Farrell Family at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Saturday Night dinner....priceless
With this cold weather, the main thing Ella gets all dressed up for these days is the daycare at the gym! When our neighbor Necoy pointed out to me that Ella's hair was long enough for a ponytail, you know I had to try it out. And it was just precious! Her nanny would've been proud.
Posted by Farrell Family at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Baby, it's cold outside!
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:41 PM 1 comments
Ella's Potty Partay!
Posted by Farrell Family at 11:24 PM 2 comments
BCS Bowl...Amelia's First Party!
It's been so cold, we've barely gotten out of the house. This Monday Amelia turned six weeks old. Since Mommy got the ok to hit the gym again, and Amelia meets the age requirement for the daycare at the gym now, we all headed there Monday night as a family. It was great getting out and being able to exercise in peace and quiet, and Amelia did well at the daycare. Everything's so nice and fancy.
Thursday night, we all went to our friends Greg and Rebeca's house to watch the BCS Bowl. They're big Texas fans (and so was everyone else there), so the only thing I could do was pull for Texas. I mean, we surely weren't pulling for Saban, I mean Alabama. Nonetheless, we dressed Ella in LSU garb to support the SEC. :) Even though "our team" didn't win, we still had a great time, and of course, Ella had a BLAST playing with her friends IV and Brandon.
Posted by Farrell Family at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Farrells!
Posted by Farrell Family at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Amelia Rose at 6 weeks!
Posted by Farrell Family at 1:07 PM 2 comments