Monday, June 23, 2008

33 Weeks - Doctor's Update!

Bart and I went to the doctor this morning for our 33 week update and the super ultrasound (like I had at 20 weeks, I think it was).

Dr. Montgomery said everything looks great for you. Your heartbeat is regular, and you're still developing nicely. My weight is still right on track (even after my week of debauchery in Louisiana) - I just basically gained the few pounds I lost last visit. I go back in two weeks, and then we switch to weekly visits! Wow!

Then we had the super ultrasound with another lady. Oh my God, it was sooo much fun! She measured you from head to toe, and you moved around the entire time! She said you were a big breather (which I can only assume is a good thing for a growing baby). We could surely see your little chest moving up and down a lot, and when she mentioned it again, I asked if it looked like that was a problem. She said - no way! All that good breathing means your lungs are developing really well.

Physically, she said you weigh approximately 5 lbs!! Oh my! And you have a full head of hair!! We could even see the back of your neck where your hairline was - it was so cool. And when she showed us the front of your face, we could see you yawn, your eyes open and close, and you even had your hands in your mouth a few times. In fact, in the 4d picture she took, she said she thought you were giving us the finger! (remind me to punish you for that later in life!)

We could clearly see your spine, your arms, your heart beating, your lungs, your stomach, and even your little feet. NO, WE DID NOT PEEK and see if you were a boy or a girl. She purposely avoided that area, and she made us turn away when she checked to make sure everything looked ok down there. She did know very quickly, and even daddy said, "well, if you could tell that quickly, there's only one thing you could see that would make it that obvious," but she assured us she's been doing this for 8 years and she can tell very quickly. She didn't even give us a hint (other than, it's either one or the other!)

All in all, it was a GREAT visit, and we are sooo excited to meet you in person. I mean, it seems so real now that you are right there on the other side of my tummy!! We can't wait!!!!

Love, Mom


~Michelle said...

I am so glad you had a wonderful appointment. I love the 4D picture. Its like a real person in exciting!I didnt realize you could see the baby's hair. wow!

Anonymous said...

So does the OB after your name stand for Oh Boy? Or the M under your name MALE? What are your names anyway????

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Time is flying by! I'm soooooo excited!!!!!
~ Lacie

Michelle and Jason said...

Isn't it amazing how everything inside such a little place manages to work together?! 33 days left! And, then you'll have a beautiful baby; it gives me a bit of the baby fever again (don't tell Jason!). Enjoy these last few weeks; take time to lay down and watch the waves that baby creates in your belly (that was always super-cool!). Love you guys! Michelle - your girl from the far away state of Alabama!