Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Baby Shower!!

This past Sunday at 2pm my mom, my sisters and my sister-in-law threw me a baby shower in Louisiana at my mom's house. It was the most wonderful day!! The cake was gorgeous, donning the same motif as the invitation. The favors were little booties filled with mints made from styrofoam cups and little pinned diapers with "poop" in them made from napkins and whoppers. There was enough food to feed half of Garyville, and it was all delicious! Mammy's house was decorated in pastel colored baby things, and it seemed that your Mammy and aunts had not forgotten a thing!
Then your Mammy gave me the sweetest baby book with letters inside written to you from Mammy, Paw Paw, Aunt Shelly, your Nanny, and even your Uncle Perry!! It was sooo sweet and special, and I can't wait to share it with you some day.
Then there were the games! One was with unlabeled baby food jars, and you had to guess what each food was. The other was poopy diapers, which turned out to be melted candy bars, and guests had to guess which candy bar was in which diaper.
As everyone arrived, I was overwelmed with how many people were able to make it. Mommy got to open soooo many gifts that she hardly got to visit with everyone, but I was soo grateful for all who attended. I even got to see some faces that I hadn't seen since my wedding, which was really great. I got so many beautiful and wonderful things for you; I just can't wait for you to get here now!
As Daddy and I drove away with an SUV FULL, all I kept thinking was how blessed we are to have such wonderful family and friends. It was such a magical day - mommy felt like a princess, and I know it was because of everyone I was surrounded by on that special day. I can't wait for you to be a part of that too!
Love, Mom Your Aunt Lacie always delivers with a special krispie message.

Your Mammy and I taking a break for a photo op!
Your Aunt Shelly and Nanny did so much to make this day special!
It was so great to have your Maw Maw and Aunt Anna there. Your cousin Kailey even made it from Kentucky!
Think this baby will be a tiger fan or what?
All the preggie mammas at the shower (minus Penne)!


Anonymous said...

Your shower was the bomb diggity! Your cake was FABULOUS! Yum Yum! I know I had a blast catching up with everyone, so I'm sure you had an awesome time too! Did you find my note in that book: "Twin with Teeth"?!?! :)

~ Lacie

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled that you had such a wonderful shower! You looked so pretty! The cake that looked just like the invite is awesome. What a great idea! And of course, there cant be a party without Lacie's world famous ricekrispie cake =)

Anonymous said...

Darn, I did it again. That last entry is from me...Chelle! Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Gelle, I had a blast at your shower. You sure did get a lot of really nice things. Be sure you push Baby Farrell around in that LSU stroller while in Texas. :) Love ya man.

Anonymous said...

Gelle what a spectacular baby shower it seems you had!! The cake looks AMAZING and I am sure jnr enjoyed it too...yummo!!!
Love the book your Mom did (was my note in there for jnr to read one day?). How quickly time is passing now, it is all very exciting. LOVE you LOTS xox love to Daddy to Be too xox

Anonymous said...

oops followed Chelle leaving messages and forgot to leave my name...AMBA hee hee xox