Friday, June 13, 2008

Burst of Energy!

Well, the last few days have proven some great bursts of energy.

Yesterday, I shopped by myself all day long. It was very nice to get out of the house and shop at my own pace. But I got a lot done, and it was very relaxing, although I was pooped last night when I finally made it to the bed.

Then last night, Bart's sister, your Aunt Mary and niece, your cousin Kailey came from Baton Rouge to visit us for the weekend. Today we went to Harwin Drive, which was fabulous. I racked up on jewelry, and we had a great day shopping till we dropped! We finished it off with some Hibachi for Kailey adn sushi for me and Aunt Mary - yum!!

Tomorrow we're going swimming, as I finally just bought a maternity swimsuit. I mean, really - how good can one look in a swimsuit with a belly the size of a basketball? For once in my life, I can blame my extra baggage on something besides myself!!

And judging by my high spirits and good mood, I'll be riding back to Louisiana with Mary and Kailey on Sunday. So, I got to make it home for all my shananigans after all. Yay! I am so excited. PLUS, I get to see my daddy-to-be AND my real daddy for Father's Day, so that's great!!

Today marks 32 weeks! I can't believe its going to be over soon. Jenny went for her checkup today, and she said baby Briggs is 4 lbs!! Wowsah!

Oh, and p.s. your Aunt Penne Russell Leier just had a baby boy this past Monday. He was 10 lbs!! (please don't do that to me!!!) His name is Jacob Michael Leier, and he is just a cute little angel.

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

I finally was able to come and check your blog out. It's so cute and nice to read. Glad to hear that you are feeling well and are out and about shopping. Can't wait to meet Baby Farrell. Not too much longer!

Anonymous said...

Woah, you're at 32 weeks - it's almost time for all of us to meet bebe Farrell! I'm sooooo excited! And congrats to Penne and Greg!

So how was swimming? Sounds like a fun time! :)

~ Lacie

~Michelle said...

I am so glad that you got to come home too! I am glad that I finally got to see your belly in person. I love what you have done to the blog. Snazzy!