Thursday, June 26, 2008

A New Baby Mobile!

Well, baby - your daddy and I went to the car dealership tonight to "look" at the GMC Acadia, and we drove home in one!

It's much roomier than the Trailblazer, and it gets better gas mileage. It's light blue (but is gold in certain light), and it is soooo nice. I feel spoiled (although, power windows is a treat for me!!) This will be your official travelling vehicle. Mommy will drive it to work and daycare, and poor Daddy will be sporting my pimping Pontiac GrandAm (it's good to be the mommy! maybe labor isn't so bad after all!!)

Daddy and I can't wait to get your baby seat strapped in and ready for you!!

Love, Mom


Anonymous said...

Awesome new ride! Congrats! I'm laughing at Bart driving the GrandAm around town! Cool ride!

~ Lacie

~Michelle said...

Sweet ride! It's mom-ish yet very sexy! I love it!

Anonymous said...

You are so cool!!! It looks very nice. Congrats! Sometimes being the mommy does have its perks! :)