Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wonderful Mother's Day

I know, I know...I have a lot of 'splaining to do as to why I have been a major blogging slacker! I will however backtrack to touch on some of the major things that have happened in the past month and a half. But not right now. Right now I would like to talk about my day.

It was a wonderful day being with my girls and being with my family. I was really bummed out that Bart was offshore, and we sure did miss him a lot. But Paw Paw took care of me (he was on triple duty, poor thing), and it was a great day. It was Mammy, Paw Paw, Shelly, Lester and the girls, Kelly and the girls, and me and the girls. Ha ha ha...lots of girls!

The morning started off really cool, but the kids were determined to go swimming. Ella Pearl was chomping at the bit, and there was no way I was getting in that freezing water, so I put her new floaties on, and we put her in a ring. I let her go, and she was soooo excited to be swimming on her own! We watched her close, of course, and all her cousins swam around her, but she was going to town in that pool. It was great! Once she turned blue, I finally made her get out. Hee hee.

Later, the kids got on the trampoline, and it was Ella's first time on it. She just learned how to really master the "jump," so she was sooo excited.

Amelia had a blast by the pool too. She was so sleepy by the end of the day, she fell asleep in her high chair while I was feeding her.

It was a wonderful mother's day, and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and two beautiful girls.

Be sure to look back for posts I'll be backtracking in the next couple days.


Anonymous said...

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family. My three beautiful daughters, my wonderful son, my daughter in law who is like a daughter to me and my sons in law whom I love with all my heart and soul have blessed me with ten, yes TEN of the most beautiful and loving granddaughters. Nothing could make me happier than I am when I am with all of them!! Amelia and Ella Pearl, you two are so dear to me and I love you with all my heart and soul.... I am so happy to have spent the day with you!!! Mammy

Anonymous said...

What a truly magical Mothers day you had Gelle. Loved each and everyone of the photo's you posted and it sure did sound like a fun filled day. I just loved Ella's new floatie's and I am sure with all the excitment of the day I would have just been like Amelia and fallen asleep too. Love you all with all my heart - Amber xxxxx