Saturday, May 29, 2010

Momma's little shopaholics

Amelia woke up a tad later than 6:30am this morning, which made mommy happy. :) I was still so tired though. Ella woke up much later in a great mood, and we played around the house all morning. She had a fruit smoothie for breakfast, and I don't think I could've planned this shot any better. Ha!
So, I've been obsessed with this diaper bag. Ever since I went to a local boutique a few days ago, I got to touch and feel all the diaper bags I've researched and written about. Well, I fell in love with this Ju Ju Be bag that by far surpasses all other diaper bags. It looks fabulous, it feels durable and well-made, and it fits EVERYTHING. But of course, they're not the cheapest bags in the world, so I have been on a mission to see all the sample fabrics and sizes to make sure I get the one I want. Anyway - different story for a different blog! So, I schlepped the kiddos across town to Baby's First Furniture. It's this huge baby furniture store with a maze of made-up nursuries and kids' rooms, complete with toys and play things. I don't know what I was thinking bringing Ella there, but I did - and she felt the need to touch EVERYTHING in sight.

Isn't this the cutest little piano?? Too bad the keys really didn't play that well.

I thought Aunt Amber would get a kick out of the way Ella ran straight up to this kangaroo and hugged it and loved on it like they were best friends. I thought she was going to try to crawl into "karoo"'s pouch, but she just tried to lay down across him.

She had a blast, of course...


Anonymous said...

Awwwwe Ella Pearl loves the kangaroo, melted my heart! I loved that picture so much, wish I was there with ya'll. Maybe I can bring her back a large one on my next visit. WAY TOO CUTE!!!! So what was the verdict on the bag??? I really love reading your blog Gelle, keeps me in touch especially as we keep playing phone tag xxxxxx Amber

Anonymous said...

My little Ella and Amelia... You two girls will become MAJOR SHOPAHOLICS as long as you are daughters of MY daughter!! I just THOUGHT i liked to shop... YOUR MOM is the QUEEN of shopping!!! And it seems the two cute little acorns are not falling very far from the tree!! I LOVE that bunk bed with the slide and I think if you play your cards right, girls, you can sweet talk Daddy into buying it for you!!! teehee Love you both soooo much.... Mammy