Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Operation: Wear Out Ella

So, in my attempt to wear my little firecracker out, this week especially, I have been dragging her and Amelia everywhere. Today, we started off with a playdate at the Ruckus Room, followed by lunch at McDonalds. Would you believe after three hours of almost non-stop play, she STILL had the nerve to fight me for a nap?!! She cried for about two minutes, but she finally took a nice, long nap. This afternoon, we went to Target and then the gym, but I forgot the daycare closes at 8pm. So, since the sun was still somewhat out, I took her to the playground at the YMCA, which is quite fabulous, by the way.

Amelia hung out like the angel that she is in the stroller. She is SUCH a good baby, thank GOD!

When we walked into the playground area, she went straight up the stairs, across the entire playground, and climbed to the highest peak of the equipment to slide down the super swirly slide. I watched my tiny little 21 month old baby climb what felt like three stories above my head with the biggest smile just plastered across her angelic little face. I am in trouble with that one, I tell you. She has NO FEAR. After she slid down several times, she decided she wanted to try the big kid ladder. At first, I wouldn't let her do it, but she was so persistent, I just let her go while I spotted her. She climbed up that thing three times. I was amazed.


Anonymous said...

Ella... you truly are a bionic little girl... you NEVER tire out... Amelia, I know you will be the same way when you get a little older and can run after Ella. Oh I wish I was there with ya'll watching you play on all the playground equipment. I miss you both so much.... Mammy