Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day was pretty quiet and lazy in the Farrell home. Bart and I actually got to lay on the sofa for part of the day and just veg out! We watched a cheesy movie and many reruns of Pawn Stars while the kids played around us and napped (yes, Ella actually napped for a whole 45 minutes today!) It was nice cause we rarely get to be THAT lazy.

Not a whole lot of news on the homefront. Amelia is trying REALLY hard to crawl right now. She rocks back and forth, and every so often, she pulls that leg forward, but there's no forward motion just yet. You can tell she wants to so bad though. She looks at her sister and wants to crawl right over to her. Today, she crawfished her way right under the slide. I really think she was just hiding from her sister, who proceeded to roll the stroller over her head today. :)

On her own, Ella set up a tea party for her and her special guest, Elmo. Can this get any cuter?!

On another note, I gave Amelia a bath tonight, and after I dried her hair with a towel, I noticed the back of her hair turned into a giant puffball of curl. It was soooo funny! I really think she's gonna have some curly locks...