Friday, May 28, 2010

Looooong day with my girls

Today felt like the longest day ever!

We started off with a 6:30am wakeup with Amelia for the second morning in a row, but she fell asleep right after I fed her, so we snoozed a little longer until her sister woke up. Then we got on the road, and we headed to a really great park on Cypresswood to meet my MOPS friends for a playdate. The park was very shaded and really nice, and it was teaming with other moms and kids. Ella ran straight to the big-kid equipment, and she took t the tallest slide on the grounds....AGAIN! I think she covered every square inch of the playground! Amelia just looked around and took in the sights (and the heat!) Towards the end, Ella climbed a smaller rock wall ALL BY HERSELF. I was so impressed as she figured out where to put her hands and feet and scaled the mini wall. When she got to the top though, she couldn't figure out how to swing her legs over the top, so she let go and slid down the entire wall, bumping each notch along the way! Soon after, I was tending to Amelia, and she went back to the big-kid section, and I see another mom coming around the corner holding Ella's hand while Ella is red-faced and crying. I rushed to see what happened, and the mom told me she climbed all the way to the top of the BIG rock wall, and then slid all the way down. This wall was TWICE the height of the first one she climbed. She is NUTS.

We left there, and we met the group at Chik-Fil-A. Ella ran around the play area like a wild child. She managed to eat a few nuggets, but she was quick to run from her seat to go play with the other kids. Amelia was again, an angel, sitting in her high chair and people watching. I love that she can sit in a high chair now.

Then we went visit my friend Kim (she actually let me use her printer), and Ella played with Meganne for a bit. She loooves Meganne, and she cried when we had to go, yelling MEGANNE for a while after we left. I love that she has some friends now that she can play with often. They are so cute together.

I spent the next hour or so running a few errands hoping now this crazy child would take a nap, and it NEVER CAME. It wasn't until we pulled into the driveway that her eyes closed and she napped for a half hour. I wasn't about to let her be revived, so we went to the YMCA and I took her swimming. She had a blast running from the pool to the splashpad, back and forth, back and forth. She wore me out, so I KNOW she had to be tired. She finally pooped out at 10pm. The child is BIONIC, I tell you.

Here are a few pics from the playground. The pic with Amelia shows you the mega rockwall Ella slid down. Fun times!


Anonymous said...

Mammy gets so scared when she sees you up so high in the sky!! You will DEFINITELY never be called a sissy....that is for sure!!! Your Daddy is the one that makes sure you are rough and tough!! Secretly, though, even though some of the stunts you pull scare me to death, I would much rather you be tough than a sissy!! You are so precious and I love seeing all your antics.... and Amelia... are you taking notes?? Soon Ella will have taught you everything she's learned... I love you both so much... Mammy