After seven LONG days offshore, daddy finally came home Sunday morning! It was an exciting homecoming, and Ella was like a little jittery gerbil when she saw his face. Even Amelia looked excited to see him, smiling and clutching to his scruffy, unkempt hair. Gotta love that offshore, scratchy look. We are soooo happy that he is home.
On an unrelated note, Ella has become a major chatterbox. Her favorite things to say are, "look," "watch," and "see?" She will call your name about a million times, and when you say, "yes, Ella?" she says, "look," and probably shows you her big bird little person or her train. This takes place about a hundred times a day. :)
Also, yesterday we were getting ready to leave, and I asked her where her shoes were (really just thinking I was talking to myself because I rarely get a real response), and she looks at me and says, "I dunno!" I laughed out loud because she's never said that before. She also wears bows now because they're "pretty," and she even looked at Amelia today in her cherry dress, and said, "ohhh, pretty!" I've also been hearing "ok" a lot too, which is something I'll say pretty often when I am in a sticky situation (I just repeat ok, ok, ok....something I never really noticed about myself until I had kids!)
My favorite "Ella-ism" of the week has got to be when I was eating a Lean Cuisine on Friday. I had some kind of chicken and broccoli concoction with peppers and whole wheat noodles. She came up to me several times for "bite," as she says, and I gave her a piece of broccoli. After a few pieces, she pointed further on to my plate and said, "nake." Nake? I asked her what she meant, and she kept repeating, "Nake! Nake!" I had no idea what she was talking about until it dawned on me....she was saying SNAKE, which meant noodle. Gotta love my Ella.
Oh my little Ella...there is no doubt in my mind that you will be a chatterbox as you get older!! You have been "talking" to yourself for months now and as you learn new words, you will be so proud to say them to Mommy, Daddy, or anyone else who will listen. This also means that my precious little Amelia will be talking early b/c Ella will be telling her what to do soon!! Wow, your Mommy will never be lonesome soon...two little girls just chatting away... I can't wait!!! I love you girls so much.... Mammmy
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