Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Six Months, Amelia!

My little baby Amelia turned six months old on May 23rd! I can't believe she has been in this world for six whole months. Part of me feels like it was just yesterday that I turned my head in the operating room and saw that big, beautiful mouth crying for joy! Another part of me feels like she's been here all along, and that those precious little dimples have been smiling at me for years. We are so blessed to have another healthy, beautiful little girl in our lives, and we love her so much.

Today, I took my little peanut for her six month checkup. Ella tagged along, and I have to say she behaved very well for it not being her doctor's appointment. Amelia weighs 20 lbs on the dot....Dr. Nguyen said that is actually off the chart, but we'll just go ahead and put her in the 97th plus percentile. Ha ha. And she is 27.5 inches long! Dr. Nguyen said she is perfectly healthy and very well-proportioned....she's just a big girl. She had to get THREE shots into those cute little hamhock thighs. She cried for 20 second MAX, and then she was done. She's such a good baby.

This afternoon we went to see Rebeca and Ella got to play with her friend IV. She had a BLAST, and I had a great time catching up with Rebeca. Ella did her very first tumbleset. She's stood on her head before, but this time (imitating IV of course), she got on her head and flipped over. The only thing we need to teach her is to tuck her chin, but I was very impressed!

Then we hit the gym, so Ella AND Amelia were REALLY worn out by the time we got home. I had both girls in bed by 9pm! Yay mommy!


Anonymous said...

My little Ella and Amelia... I'm going to tell you both a secret about your Mommy... She was five years old and I realized she could not make a tumbleset... I was horrified.... so i put her in gymnastics at a dance studio in Reserve. I didn't necessarily want her to learn anything else but how to make a tumbleset... THANK GOODNESS they did teach her and she made them across the stage at her recital... after that she quit dancing... I was satisfied!!! teehee... Hard to believe she later became the SCS Head Cheerleader her senior year!!