Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's a Sunshine Day!!

What a fun day we had today!

Our day started off at a playdate at my friend Kim's house. She had baby pools set up in her backyard, and the girls just played and played in the water and sun. It was hot, but Kim's yard had a lot of shade, so it was really nice. Ella loves playing with her friends Meganne and Kai, and she made a new friend today, too, named Anna. Even Amelia broke out her swimsuit and splashed around in her own personal pink pool. The girls had a blast, and before we left, all us mommies were tickled at how they waved and hugged each other goodbye.

Ella and Meganne sunbathing on the deck:

Amelia loves the water too:

Ella NOT SHARING with Kai...sometimes Ella can be a little bully!

Meganne, Anna and Ella starting to lose a little steam after a long morning:

After we left Kim's, you would think that Ella would've passed out in the car on the way home, but the more you read this blog, you know that is not necessarily true. And so, while most kids from the playdate were drooling sleepy naptrails down their chin by the time they left Kim's neighborhood, my daughter was singing Barney at the top of her lungs. Clearly, this child is the energizer bunny.
We went home to refuel with some food and drinks, and then we headed to the pool to meet Ella's other friends from across the street, Kenzie and Zoie. These are two litle girls that live across the street that Ella adores, and I've become friends with their mom, Amy. And for some reason or another, we have not taken advantage of playdates nearly as much as we should. So, today we were determined. Amy had an errand to run, so while we waited by the pool, I took Ella to the playground behind the welcome center. Ella REFUSED to get out of the car without Big Bird, Ernie and Bert. She kicked and screamed and cried. Finally, I just let her take them with her, but I was just scared she was going to lose them. As you can see, Big Bird, Ernie and Bert went everywhere Ella went, including the jungle gym and slide.

We were late for our original time to meet, then Amy ran into a snag, then the pool ended up being closed....but we didn't give up! Luckily, the splash pad in our neighborhood was still open, and we took the kids there. Amelia slept the entire time, poor thing. She, unlike Ella, was so worn out from the morning. Ella ran around that splash pad with Kenzie and Zoie like a little mad woman. You would've NEVER known this girl didn't have a nap, and she again had a blast.

Amelia was in bed before 8:30, and Ella could've easily gone out soon after, but her daddy had her a little distracted. Plus, her friend IV came for a quick visit to give her some homemade brownies he helped make. How cute is that!?! She loooove IV, and she calls him "I." She hugged him before he left, and she was out five minutes later.
What a wonderful, summer day!