Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wiggly Ella

Ella loooves The Wiggles. It is the one show that will truly put her in a trance and make her dance. It comes on Sprout a few times a day, so we try to catch it, otherwise she only watches the DVDs in the car on long trips. But recently, I have discovered that Sprout is on OnDemand, meaning we can watch The Wiggles, Sesame Street and other favorite shows whenever Mommy needs a good distraction!! This morning while I was trying to get my article done, I needed just that, but I couldn't resist when I saw Ella dancing to Hot Potato. Who knew she picked up on so many of the moves. This was the second time she did it, so it lost a little of its gusto, but I see some musical talent in her future!!


Roxanne said...

LOVE it. That was the ONLY show that Thad would even watch. We didn't have cable, so I bought him videos for some sanity for me.

I got your e-mail, but the kids hvae been sick, grades were due, and I'm leaving for Louisiana in the morning. . .and now when I got to answer it, the server is down for school e-mail.

So. I miss you right back and will be in touch once I get home again. Ella is just adorable, and AGAIN, I am soooooooooooooo glad you are getting to have this time with her!!!

Anonymous said... are such a clown!!! There is definitely some musical talen in you and I just wonder where it came from??? Only thing I can see happening now is your parents fighting on which one of THEM gave it to you!! I could sit and watch that video over and over again!! I love you sooo much my little ella vanilla.... see you soon!! Mammy