Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch

The weekend before Halloween, we all went to Dewberry Farms Pumpkin Patch right outside of the Houston limits. It's a great place that I'd been hearing so much about, so we decided to finally check it out. We met our good friends Kurt, Robin, and their little boy Dean there. We had a blast!! I mean, these people really have their stuff together. It's more than a pumpkin's a harvest experience!!

Here's a field of flowers that you can pick your own bouquets of sunflowers, marigolds and daisies. Sooo beautiful. There were also fields of Christmas trees for December, and of course, the pumpkins. This was when we first got there, and there wasn't near as many people there yet. By the time we left, around 6pm, the place was packed!!

Ella loved the corn maze. We started there, and thank God, because I don't think I would've made it any other time than in the beginning. It was a lot of walking!!!

Daddy took Ella to the lookout to see how we could get out of this corn maze!!

After the corn maze, we went to the toddler playland section. There was a big shed full of corn kernels, but the older kids were throwing them. Corn can be pretty painful coming at a fast speed!! Ella wasn't a fan!

But she did loooove the swing! She is smiling from ear to ear!

And she loved the PVC pipe slide even more. This was the kiddie slide...daddy also had taken her on the really really tall one in the older kids' section.

Look Paw Paw!! I'm driving a tractor!!

Ella loved the reminded me of the one I had as a kid with the springs. Remember those?? Of course, I'm sure those are full of safety violations these days!

After the kiddie playland, we moved on to the chicken puppet show. It was a motorized singing chicken show, and they sang songs like, "Old McDonald," "Farmer and the Dell," and "Jimmy Crack Corn." Ella was mesmerized by the singing chickens....she sat there on that bench and just watched and watched. Then some other kids started dancing, so she joined in. This was when she learned her new dance step, the quick step! Ha ha....she does it all the time now. She kicks her feet and runs in is HILARIOUS!

Ella and Dean enjoyed taking pictures at all the hottest photo ops! The sun was sooo bright though!!

The petting zoo was fun too...Ella got to see the horses, the cows and the pigs. She even got to pet a bunny!

After ALL that excitement, Ella finally made it to the actual pumpkin patch. She walked around and looked at all the pumpkins they had to offer. There were yellow ones and green ones and then the really pretty orange ones.

She finally decided on a nice big orange one. This one is perfect!

After she lost the love for the pumpkins, she decided to play in the dirt.

It was a loooong day, but she had a blast!! Needless to say, she slept well that night!


Anonymous said...

My little Ella... I can just imagine how much you enjoyed the pumpkin patch with mommy and daddy. You are such a happy little girl and I have seen your "dancing" first hand and you are just unbelievable at the moves you have at such a young age!! You are so funny and I laugh and laugh at you which makes you sillier!! I love you so much!! Mammy