Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Amelia Bedelia

So, I've been thinking....I am not positive that I am going to name Baby Farrell #2 Amelia.

I knew this would happen the minute I decided on it that early. I never make decisions that early because I am such a big thinker, and I knew I would talk myself out of it. I still love the name Amelia, don't get me wrong....but it's just sooo popular right now, and with this dumb new movie Amelia coming out about Amelia Earhart, I know it's going to really gain more popularity. I don't want her to be in class of five Amelias.

Yes, yes, I am aware of the popularity of Ella as well, but I just love the name Ella Pearl so much, I couldn't resist. And if one day she decides her name is too common, she can call herself Pearl, which I love too.

Anyway, back to Amelia...I am just not completely set on it yet. It breaks my heart because I already have some things embroidered with Amelia, and I even ordered wooden letters for her room.

But I think a good name is one that "stops the roll." What I mean by that is when a teacher is looking at her roll for her class, a good name is one she doesn't quite know how to pronounce. When she calls roll in class, she has to stop and stumble on it. I was telling Bart earlier today that a really good name is one that a teacher has to learn!! Yes, Angelle. I admit, I love my name. It's no secret. I want my girls to have an equally good roll-stopping name.

Anyhoo...I wasn't wild about everyone knowing what our baby's name was going to be before she was born now, I can take another month to figure out what I am going to name this child! I have until we sign the birth certificate to decide. I do know one will definitely begin with the letter A! So, there's a start!


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha i think i know what your name is going to be little Farrell Baby No. 2.... But I really don't care which one Mommy and Daddy decide on.... I just can't wait to see you and touch you and hold you and kiss you!!! Pretty soon you will be here and I can't wait!!! Love you... Mammy