Monday, October 5, 2009

Thank you, Nanny!!

Ella P got her very own package in the mail today! It was a big brown envelope with sparkly, glittery Halloween stickers all over it, and when we opened it up, there were two Halloween bibs on the inside! It also had the cutest Halloween card from her Nanny Kelly. She immediately tried putting on the bib, and she looved the card! Thanks, Nanny for making her day!! That was so sweet of you!!!!

I've got soooo much to do before we leave for Louisiana on Thursday, I am just so overwhelmed! Ella and I are going to stay with Mammy and Paw Paw for a week while daddy enjoys some peace and quiet (who are we kidding, you know he's gonna miss us both!) Ella's staying with Mammy while I go to Lacie's bachelorette party for the weekend in New Orleans (it will be the longest I've been away from Ella ever!) Saturday night, she's staying with her Aunt Shelly while Mammy goes to the LSU game with Paw Paw. Then the rest of the week, we'll be visiting friends and family. Aunt Mary's shower is the following weekend, and we'll be going there as well. Busy times ahead!!

I'm still sewing's my newest, finished dress. I'm officially obsessed.


Anonymous said...

My little Ella.... I am just counting the minutes till you are here!! We will do all kinds of fun things and play, play, play!! I will get to see you in all your beautiful dresses that your Mommy has been sewing. Maybe we'll teach her how to make a different dress. Your little cousins are anxious to see you too... be careful and be good for Mommy on the trip. I love you my little Ella Vanilla!! Mammy