Friday, October 23, 2009

One month till baby time!!

Today is October 23rd, 200. If Dr. Montgomery takes baby Farrell #2 early like he promised he would, we'll probably schedule the c-section for that Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving....which would be November 23rd or 24th.

So, that would make today about a month away from baby time! Woohoo!
I can't get over how quickly this pregnancy has gone by!

Meanwhile, my little Ella Pearl is growing right before our eyes. Her favorite word right now is "Hi" and "Bye!" She tells every toddler we pass by in the grocery store, "HI" and waves. I took this picture this morning on our way to my MOPS meeting because I turned around to look at her laughing at something out the window, and I was mortified at how big she looked! She looks like a big girl!!!

Bart and I were reminiscing yesterday about how just a year ago at this time, we were propping her up against the big orange pumpkin. She was just a little chubby cheeked, she's soo big, walking around with her crazy personality and her jibber jabbering and her dancing.
I love her sooo much.


Anonymous said...

I love you too, my little Ella Pearl, and it's hard to believe that a little over a year ago we didn't even know you!! Now it's your little sister's turn to make her appearance and i can't wait for her too!!! My two girls will be added to our eight others and what a wonderful family we have... I love you my little Ella Pearl.. Mammy