Saturday, October 3, 2009

Geaux Tigers! Ella-shue!!

We had a nice, quiet day at the house today since it drizzle all afternoon. Ella woke up with some low-grade fever, so I gave her some Tylenol, and she took an early nap. Bart and I watched the tigers as they gave us high blood pressure in that game against Georgia. I sewed at the kitchen table while I watched, and I put together two dresses. I sat down in the living room for the last 15 minutes of the game, when the real action started, and I think I planned that whole thing rather well. Ha ha.

After the game, we went grab a bite to eat at Texas Roadhouse, and Ella was dressed up in her LSU pillowcase dress from Nola Baby and her squeaky LSU shoes from Squeak Me shoes. She looked like a doll, and she loooves those shoes. She doesn't walk in them...she takes little bitty steps so they make maximum noise, and it's so fun to watch her laugh at her feet. In the restaurant, five different people asked where we got them. Thanks again, Aunt Anna!! I know Ella and Amelia will get a lot of use out of them, and I have a feeling I'll be purchasing more in the future!

Then we wrapped up our exciting Saturday night with a trip to the grocery store. Woohoo! I would've thought she'd have been pooped when we got home, but no such luck. She stayed up till 11:30, and FINALLY, she went down without putting up a fight.

Geaux tigers! A win is a win!


Anonymous said...

Oh my little Ella Pearl... you are such a beautiful little girl and I'm not just saything that because you are my little granddaughter!! You make the cutest little LSU girl and I just LOVE those shoes!! This Thursday you will be here with me and I can hardly wait!! Get those cheeks ready for Mammy again!! YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT!!! See you soon my little Ella.. Mammy