Saturday, October 24, 2009

Go Eagles!

Today was my MOPS meeting, and it was our last craft for this semester. I struggled with this one, but it ended up coming out really cute!! It's vinyl letters on a big piece of tile, and it may sound like a piece of cake, but it was NOT. Very tedious and difficult to work with!! I had a great time at MOPS though, and I love my group. Plus, Ella had a blast at the daycare again.

That evening, Ella, Bart and I travelled to east Texas to see Taylor play football again. It was nice and cold, which was perfect football game weather!! Ella was bundled up, and she had a blast. She was sooo good! I couldn't get over it!

I was bundled up too.....the game was good, even though we lost. Oh well...

The only bad thing about going to Taylor's games is when she sees him at the end. She cries EVERY time she sees him. Now when she sees him at Paw Paw's house in regular clothes, she LOVES Taylor. But when he has just played a football game, she goes crazy....she cries and won't go anywhere near him. We keep telling him its because he's stinky. We thought it was the shoulder pads, but we took those off for the last game, and she still cried. Ha ha ha.


Anonymous said...

Ella.... shame on you... Taylor loves you so much and loves to play with you and you go all the way to the other end of Texas to watch him play football and at the end you are suppose to love him and kiss him and tell him what a good game he played!!! One day you will be giving one of those stinky football players a kiss and then it will be your DAD that will be crying!!! I love you my little angel... Mammy

Farrell Family said...

Ha ha ha....I love it. So true, so true!